17- 2v2

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"Heroes! You may begin your mission!"

Hearing the signal, Kei immediately pulled his headphones from his head and stepped up to the wall of the building. He felt Yaoyorozu's confused look, but reached his hands out to the wall, the fingerless gloves allowing him to feel the vibrations through the concrete. His partner figured out what he was doing and quietened, watching the look of concentration on his face before Kei stepped back from the wall.

"They're on the top floor, at least ten stories up, in the middle of a large room," he said.

"Oh no! We only have ten minutes to complete the task, and it'll take us at least six or seven minutes to climb that many stairs, are you sure there's no other way to get up? Even if I made climbing equipment, we wouldn't be able to scale the walls fast enough!" She panicked.

Kei simply turned to her and smirked a little. "How quickly can you make a parachute?"

A minute later, after explaining with his back turned to Yaoyorozu, who was pulling cords and sheets from her chest, the two were set to take on the challenge. The black haired girl clipped the two's costumes together, and attached the parachute to that. It was a crude system, but quick to make and would get them where they needed to be safely.

"Hold on tight," Kei said, feeling Yaoyorozu wrap her arms around his waist, and he bent his knees. Taking in a deep breath, he concentrated in the air beneath him and launched the two upwards, reducing the resistance above them and shooting air from below, resulting in a controlled yet speedy ascent, which he only stopped once he saw them shoot past the roof of the building. The girl clinging to his back tensed a little and suppressed a screech, her hands tightening around his waist. Yaoyorozu pulled the parachute chord when they'd ascended far enough, and they fell slowly and harmlessly, landing silently on the roof of the building.

They detached the clips and cords, and Kei knelt to the floor, double checking the villain teams position. "They're right below us, but we'll have to take the stairs to our right. There's a corridor, if we take the second left we'll be in the right room," he whispered, conscious of the centimetres of concrete between the pairs.

He felt Yaoyorozu's nod, and the two quietly headed to the open door on the roof, descending the stairs quickly. The corridor in question was straight ahead, but they had yet to make a battle plan. Momo held out a hand to stop the boy in front of her, and voiced her concerns. "Do you have a plan for when we get there? I imagine Sero will be trying to get us with his tape, and if Uraraka touches us, we're out of commission,"

Kei thought for a moment, "Can you make a smoke bomb? That way they won't know where to aim, I'll distract them while you sneak by and get the bomb?"

Momo hesitated for a moment, "But surely you won't be able to see either? I can disperse the bomb far enough away from me that I can just go around, but you'll have to be in it,"

"Don't worry about me, I can see just fine," he smiled slyly. "If you could make me a lightweight fighting staff, though, that would be helpful, I forgot to add a weapon to my costume design," Yaoyorozu nodded, and Kei turned around again, still crouched on the stairs, focussing on listening to the two opponents pace around the room, clearly not expecting them to have reached the top floor already.

"Here," Momo handed Kei the staff he wanted, his preferred weapon. She also held out the smoke device she'd made, and the pair made their way down the staircase. Yaoyorozu also held a pair of batons, prepared to fight if the 'villains' noticed her presence.

Creeping down the hallway, Kei paused outside a door, and ducked under a window to crouch on the other side. He nodded to Yaoyorozu, pointing towards the door at a specific angle, indicating where she should throw the smoke bomb. Momo counted down silently with her fingers, and on three Kei opened the door slightly, and Yaoyorozu threw the bomb into the room.

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