20- Villain Popsicles

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Kaminari mumbled as he stood in the middle of the fallen villains, unsteady in his feet. Jirou quickly dashed over to him, yanking him upright just as he was about to fall over into the mud.

"Okay, what now? Should we regroup with the class?" Yaoyorozu asked.

It took a moment for Kei to realise she was talking to him, "Oh, yeah, I think that's a good idea, but we're all spread out across the building, and Aizawa-Sensei is still fighting in the central plaza," he replied. "If you give me a few seconds, I can try and figure out where everyone is, though,".

Yaoyorozu nodded, and Jirou spoke up, "I can try to hear them too, I'm fairly sure your hearing has a better range than mine but I'm good at picking up really quiet noises,"

Kei nodded back, smiling a little at the fact that the four of them had worked together so well, despite having only met them a day ago. He headed over to the hillside edge, and found a relatively dry patch of ground, removing his gloves. He crouched down, Jirou doing a similar thing beside him, and laid his palms on the floor, both feeling and hearing the noises inside the dome.

Again he recognised the presence of a group of people down the hill to one side of them, and passed them over for a moment. He focussed for a few seconds on the fighting in the centre of the dome, where their teacher was steadily being overcome by the sheer quantity of villains attacking him. Moving on to find their classmates, Kei decided that they should prioritise regrouping with at least a few more students, and then attempt to assist Aizawa, otherwise he'd be in big trouble.

To be honest, Kei might seem to the others to be calm and coping well with the situation, but on the inside he was frantic. Too many thoughts for him to process properly, trying to figure out the best course of action in the shortest time, wanting to do everything as efficiently as possible- it was exhausting. Each fight he'd had with the villains was pushing him to his limit, and the stress he was under wasn't helping his quirk at all, he'd only been using it for about ten minutes and already he could feel the familiar heaviness of quirk overuse. Still, he carried on, desperate not to show weakness and all too aware he'd come too close to his 'secret' being revealed already.

After locating at least five more groups of students around the dome, and checking back up on Aizawa to figure out just how urgently he needed help, Kei and Jirou stood up. Kei considered it for a moment, then left his gloves in his coat pocket, wanting to be as aware of everything as possible for the next few tasks.

"So, I found six groups of students around the area, I think a few are still fighting off villains, but none seem to be in any real trouble. The closest is just down the path to the left, the landslide zone. There's also quite a few students still on that platform we were all on, with the portal-quirk villain. Also, I think Aizawa-Sensei might need some help soon, I checked in on him and he's going to be overrun with villains soon," Kei reported, as Momo listened raptly and Kaminari slowly recovered enough to stop drooling.

Jirou nodded along, having heard the same things. "There's two people in the city zone, I'm pretty certain one of them is Bakugo based on the shouting and explosions I heard, and I agree with Kei that Aizawa-Sensei needs our help,"

Momo agreed, and the four started heading down the hillside to meet up with the group they'd heard. Kei led the way, having the best hearing and combat skills. They paused at the bottom of the path, hidden behind a mound of dirt, while Kei figured out if it was safe to show themselves. He listened carefully, picking up on some words being spoken, and trying to figure out who it was. When he did, he smiled. Signalling to the others that the coast was clear, he stepped out from behind the dirt, his classmates following. The student he'd heard looked up sharply at the sound, expecting more villains.

Todoroki had raised his arm to attack the newcomers, but lowered it when he recognised Kei, Momo, Jirou and Kaminari. He stood beside a group of five or six villains, all frozen to the ground and completely immobile. "Hey, Todoroki!" Yaoyorozu greeted. "Didn't take you too long to beat these guys, did it? Is anyone else with you?"

Todoroki shook his head, stepping towards the group. "It's just me, I tried asking the villains about why they were here, but they don't know much. Where's the rest of the class?" He asked, directing his question towards Kei. He ran his eyes over the new student for a second, quickly checking for injuries before turning to look out over the zones.

"They're all spread out across the dome, there's a large group still up by the front doors, the rest are all over the place," he paused for a second, reaching down to place his hands on the ground again. The others watched as he stopped for a moment and then stood. "Some of the groups have started moving, Bakugo and someone else were in the city zone and are now heading down towards the plaza, and I think whoever was stuck in the flood zone just escaped, there was a big disturbance in the water," he finished his report, brushing the dirt from his hands and then stuffing them back in his pockets.

Momo seemed to consider it for a second, then took the lead. "Alright, we can assume the other groups are safe and making their way to either the central plaza or back up to the entrance, so for now I think we should focus on helping Aizawa-Sensei, he's still struggling to fight the villains off. We can just about see them from here, what's our plan?"

Todoroki quietly shared his thought, saying "There were those three main villains, right? The portal quirk, the big bird shaped one, and the smaller man with hands stuck on him. I can see all three of them back in the middle again, I think if we managed to take them out then it would disrupt the villains enough to give Aizawa-Sensei a chance,"

Momo nodded again. "Good idea, let's aim for those three if we can. Kaminari barely made it down here, I think we should find somewhere safe and leave him out of the way. Maybe if we try and separate those three villains from the rest, it'll disrupt them enough to let Aizawa-Sensei take them out?"

——Authors Note——

Hi again! Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter :( I'm now done with school for the summer though!

I have some changes to this story to announce (this is also explained in the conversations tab on my profile, read that if you don't understand). I've been really struggling to be motivated and interested in writing this story, so to fix that I've decided that instead of one continuous story, after this USJ arc, I'm going to write only the individual ideas and plot points that I want to. So, instead of continuing from here this story will be a chronological series of one/two/three shots, so that I write the bits I'm interested in and that I think you will be interested in, and there's no pressure to write the boring bits in between, which just make the story much longer. So, after this arc, I'll first edit most of this story just ti fix typos and inconsistency and generally cut down the length of it, and then it will be a different plot point. It will all be in order and will all make sense, just with bigger timeskips between chapters/arcs. For example, I want to write Kei moving into the UA dorms, but I don't want to write all the boring bits leading up to it and all that. I've got several plot points planned out, and you can recommend me even more!

I hope this all makes sense, I'm not great at explaining things, check my conversations tab to see my explanation in a different way. Hopefully you all think this wouldn't be a bad change, it means more action and more consistent updates from me! Thanks for sticking with me while I took a break from updates for a few weeks!

Please vote and comment, thanks!

Word count: 1465
Date published: Friday 21st May 2021

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