2- First Day

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—Chapter 2! I hope the information in the last chapter was useful, comment or dm me with any questions!—

My first day at UA. It's only 6 am, but I figured that it really wouldn't be good to be late on my first day, besides, the train journey takes half an hour itself, and I wouldn't be able to figure out my routine until at least a couple days in, although I'd already guessed some of the timings, so I had a general idea. I'd spent the entirety of the previous day memorizing the layout of the school, from a special tablet which allowed me to feel bumps and shapes to represent diagrams. I wanted to know as much of the school as possible because I wouldn't know if there were signs or arrows around the campus. I'd also repacked my bag at least three times, and ensured my headphones were fully charged, and that I had a spare.

The school had given me permission to wear the headphones and gloves during school hours, and my teachers were made aware of it, but all the students were told was that a student was being transferred into their class. I was to be in class 1-A and had already familiarized myself with the names of the students, all I had to do was put faces, or rather shapes, to those names. Over the years I'd gotten better at recognizing different facial expressions, but it was sometimes difficult with new people, as I needed to know their face pretty well before I could sense changes in their expressions.

I sighed as I stood up out of bed, retrieving my uniform from where it hung on the back of my chair, and put it on, feeling the surface of the material to check for creases or imperfections. I tied my tie and adjusted it, pulling my gloves on as I felt the knit of the fibres in the uniform. the gloves were specially designed to be thin enough not to restrict my movement or entirely desensitise my fingers to vibrations, but thick enough to dampen the excessive sensitivity. They were plain matt black gloves- they wouldn't stand out any more than necessary.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest, my pulse raised as I thought about the day ahead. Making friends was never one of my strong points, and I was all too aware that my appearance didn't make me seem the most approachable. I was also aware of the burn scars peeking out from the collar of my uniform, I could feel the coarse skin under my fingers as I tried to adjust the collar, but to no avail. About an inch of scar tissue crept over the edge of my collar, so I resigned myself to it being exposed. I walked quietly downstairs, my headphones in hand as I brushed my fingers nervously through my hair. It was quiet enough for me to cope without my headphones, but even at this time of the morning, I could hear my neighbours footsteps and the cry of the baby across the street, as well as the cars on the main road a few hundred metres from my new home. Home- that was what this still-new environment would become, already most of our boxes had been unpacked into their respective rooms, or dumped in the spare room for storage.

We'd moved in here a few days ago, and had spent most of our time either unpacking, exploring the nearby area, or prepping for my new school and my mum's new job. She also started work today, and I could hear her getting out of bed in her room, above the kitchen where I now was. I poured myself some orange juice, too nervous to eat, and sat down. Accompanied by the shower turning on upstairs, the increasing noise surrounding me was becoming too much, as more and more alarms went off in the bedrooms of our neighbours. I kept my earphones off, trying my best to get used to the rising noise, as I did every morning. This new city was louder than our old one, and we were closer to the city centre, which meant more noise even in the night, as people went out for the evening. Eventually, I gave up and shoved my headphones on, shaking my hair back to its natural position from the disturbance of the headphones. My fluttering stomach and growing anxiety did nothing to help the sensitivity of my hearing, I felt even more jumpy than usual.

I smiled slightly at my mum as she walked, bleary-eyed, towards the kettle, hoping she wouldn't notice my growing anxiety. As usual, she did.

"Honey? Are you alright?" I felt her come over to me and hug me, imagining the concern I could hear in her voice, etched onto her face.

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