1- Kei Takada [epilogue]

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Hi! I'm using this first chapter as a kind of epilogue, next chapter will be more information about my characters and any alterations to canon bnha! :) (that will be uploaded within a day or two)
[I don't own MHA]


"How's your packing going in there, Honey?" came the shout from downstairs. I sighed dejectedly, picking my way over stacks of books to open the door.

"It's fine Mum, I'll be done in time I swear," I turned to face the room, only a couple of boxes packed and sealed, the rest of my belongings spread out across the floor. It really shouldn't be taking me this long, after all, I'd almost completely packed everything up a few weeks ago, before the house move date was pushed backwards a month at the last minute. At that point, for some reason, I thought it would be good to unpack a bit because the thought of living out of boxes didn't seem so appealing. It was, I now realized, a mistake.

In a few short days, my mother and I would be moving to Musutafu from Tokyo, where we had lived for the entirety of my time in Japan. Originally, I was intending to attend the local high school, Seijin High School, a well-respected Hero school, but after my mother received a job offer elsewhere, I was forced to rethink my plans. Fortunately, the city we were moving too, as well as containing the specialist hospital where my mother would work, was also home to the famous U.A. Hero School, the best place in the country for aspiring heroes to train to become Pros.

The career of 'Pro Hero' was relatively new, coming around shortly after the development of superhuman abilities in society, called 'quirks'. These abilities ranged from incredible strength or speed to the ability to create or manipulate substances. Around 80% of the population had a quirk, me included. Most children inherited their quirk from their parents or developed a quirk which was a blend of the two. Rarely, a quirk could mutate to become completely different, or more powerful than the user's parent.

I was one of these rarities. My mother, Sara, has a quirk which allows her to sense pain, which helps her out in her job as a nurse. My father possessed the ability to heat or cool water, though not by much. When I was younger, my parents had thought me quirkless, as my abilities hadn't yet shown themselves. When they did, the ability to change air pressure had at first seemed totally useless to me. Others praised the power of my quirk, because of its range and strength, and told me that I had serious potential, but I'd always thought they only said that to make up for the fact that I was a 'late bloomer', never realizing the true extent of my abilities, at least until recently.

Before I get into the gritty details, you'll probably want to know a bit about me. Hi, I'm Kei Takada, half-English, half-Japanese, though I've lived in Japan since I was two. My mother, Sara, is an English nurse, specializing in deaf or blind patients. My father was Rikio Takada, businessman and accountant. He died when I was five, leaving me, my then nine-year-old brother Wakusei, and my mother. Until now, we've lived in the same house in Tokyo, but after my brother left to travel Europe, it felt strangely empty. My mother received the job offer six weeks ago, and after a short discussion, we decided to start anew in Musutafu. That brings us to now, after the move had been pushed back a month, and the school of my dreams, UA, had already been in session for most of its first term.

My life so far doesn't seem too bad, huh? Well, apart from the obvious tragedy of my father's death, but even then, the tragedies didn't stop. When I was seven and had just accepted that my quirk was useless for anything except creating little gusts of wind, I was caught up in an attack on a small bank and held up at the mercy of a villain. The heroes tried to capture the villain without injuring the civilians nearby, including me, who was trapped under some fallen debris, but the villain's quirk, small jets of fire, got out of control. I was taken to hospital with severe trauma to my eyes and face, as well as burns on 15% of my body, mostly my torso.

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