Chapter 2

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--Lucie's POV--
I missed my flight because of my stupid brother wanting to fool around with me, soo just texted Jess that I left my phone at my house because I didn't want to explain everything.
----------------once she's on the plane----------
There were no seats left cause I got to the flight late, again because of my bro, anyway I saw a guy with a empty seat beside him so I just walked up and sat there cause I'm not in the mood to talk.
"Hi, I'm Mitch or bajancanadian, you may know me from youtube" the guy or Mitch said
"Oh Ya I've heard of you, btw I'm Lucie or flammingUnicorn223 and you may have heard of me too" I said, I lied when I said I've heard of him, because I've had a crush on him for a while now, but I didn't wanna sound crazy so I just went with it
"Ya I know you, your part of the YouTube Sisters, Right?"
"Yup, dats me
We talked for the rest of the way getting to know each other, he was doing a lot of pick up lines too which I just laughed at cause he sucks at being flirty.
Once we got off the plane MITCH offered for him to drive me to wherever I needed to go and I said yes because I'm not getting in a taxi the suck.
-------At the house-----
"Well thanks for the ride, Seeya round, bye" I said closing the door to his car
I was about to knock on the door when Mitch turned me around and kissed me, what the heck? I just went with it, I've liked him for a while now and kissing hi, has been a goal of mine ( not really tho) we finally parted
"I love you, will you be my girlfriend"
"Um, sure!" He walked away and now I'm so confused, I only just met the guy and now I'm his girlfriend, well whatever
i walked in the house and got tackled by Jess, Emma and Jenn.
"OMG WE MISSED YOU" They all screamed
"OMG I MISSED YOU GUYS TOO" i mimicked them, we all got up and then they went off to their rooms,
"Btw our rooms are marked so you can go choose yours" Jess said popping out of now where
I walked around and picked a room, it was painted yellow and white, the bed sheets were white with kawaii unicorns on them. This room was made for me! I started unpacking until I saw a little locket tapped to the bottom of the bed frame
"What the heck" I whispered to myself, I got the locket out and it had a note in it.
Hi, I'm Annabelle, and your probably wondering why there is a note inside a locket that was tapped to the bottom of a bed frame, well if the right people come here, the note will disappear from the locket and a picture of you will appear in one side of the locket and the other side will contain a picture of.......
The rest was smudged and I couldn't read it, I looked over the note and then BOOM it disapears and picture of my is in its spot, so I'm am some kind of person I guess, I wonder if the others will have something similar?
--Emma's POV--
I found a locket under my bed frame and it contained a note, I got halfway through the note and It disappeared and was replaced with a picture of me, waaaaa?
--Jess's POV--
I found a locket under the riling on the balcony, I opened it and there was i note I couldn't read it, it just disappeared, and was replaced with a picture of me, what the heck.
---------NARRATOR POV-------
The five have gotten their lockets and still haven't told anyone, but will they tell each other?
--Jenn's POV--
I woke up with my hands on fire and then a flower bud growing, then a mini tornado on it, and then my hands turned to ice
"AHHHHHHHHHH HELP" I screamed and Jess, Emma, Lucie and Tom came in
"it must be that locket" I heard them all say
"You guys got on too?" I asked
"Ya" they all said again
"Well then what are they"
"The note said if the right person gets it the note will disappear and be left with a picture of them and then it was smudged" Lucie said
"Well did this happen to you guys" I said referring to my hands
"Nope" they all said
"Why me im like freaking out man"
"Well what happened" Jess said
"Well when I woke up my hands were on fire and then their was a flower bud growing and then a mini tornado and then my hands were ice solid"
"Ummm interesting" Emma said with a thinking face
"Try to do something" Tom said excitedly
"Umm oki" I said nervously
I tryed making a mini tornado and it didn't work, then I tryed making a fire ball It didn't work, I tryed growing a flower, it didn't work and then I tryed turning something to ice and it didn't work either.
"Nothing work"
Then all of our lockets started glowing random colours
Lucie- yellow
Jess- lilac
Emma- pink
Tom- green
Jenn- orange
Then the lockets started pulling us together and now we were in a circle, some kind of person appeared, wat the heck is going on
"Uh, guys, any clue what's happenin" Tom said, he sounded scared, we all shook our heads
"Hello Five Secrets, I'm Annabelle, I'm the one who wrote the note and taped the lockets where they were, and yes you are called 'The Five Secrets' because you are all five secret people, there is a whole other dimension that has people like you five. Once you have your full powers you will have a choice, to either stay here and get half you powers or go to the other dimension and keep your full powers. Your choice in the end, for now you can work with your powers and find everything out, I will appear in your dreams and tell you things to improve on, remember tho, people in this world are bad and if they get close to you. In the end they might not be the person they were"
After that Annabelle disappeared, leaving us to just try and understand all this.
"Well I'm tired seeya" Tom said about to walk out when Emma grabbed him and sT him down,
"We are figuring this out" Emma said with a stern voice
"Ok try and create something" Lucie said to Tom
Tom tried to create a loud of things and when he tried to make nunchucks it worked!
"OOOOOOOO I CAN MAKE WEAPONS" Tom yelled happily, he tried doing a flip and it worked,
"So my power is being a ninja?"
"Probs" Jess said
"YOU TRY" Lucie said to Jess
Jess tried making a tree grow and it worked,
"Yay i can grow things!" Jess said, after that Lucie tryed and she can turn into a vampire when she sees the night sky, Emma can grow wings and turns into a death angel once she smells blood, and Jess can turn into a elf like person and run really fast when she smells a flower, Tom can turn into a ninja with the snap of his finger, and I can turn into whatever I want because I'm a shapeshifter, but I have other weird powers too . Well today we found out we're magical people.

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