Chapter 12

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--Jess's POV--
"Well if we make Jenn shape shift into you and then go to your dads house with some fake clothes and junk, you can tell her basic info about stuff that happened and then Lucie, Tom, and I will go in while Jenn has him distracted and start beating him,then you can come in and finish him off with whatever you want......sound good" Emma explained
That plan might just be good enough to work.
"Ok, let's go tell the others"
We both walked downstairs and saw everyone on the couch watching 'Frozen' for like the millionth time. Emma went and unplugged the tv to get their attentions.
"HEY, WHAT THE HECK THEY WERE GETTING TO THE GOOD PART" Lucie screamed, Jenn pouted, and Tom was a sleeps so I punched him.
"MELONS" He screamed as he woke up, we all burst out in laugher
"Olay......olay....... Here's the plan that you all will follow....." She explained the plan to them and they all agreed,
"Um I have a question" Jenn said
"Yeah" I said
"Um.....what between you and your dad" she asked
"Um.....I'll explain when I tell you basic stuffs"
Jenn and I went upstairs to my room while Tom practiced his fighting skills, Lucie practiced turning things to dust and levitating stuff too, and Emma is working on our way in and out.
--Jenn's POV--
I'm so scared, what if she has like a deep...deep sad story, I hate those, I get like....nightmares about that stuff, I'm scared.
"So......shall we start" she said/asked
"Yup, I guess"
"Ok, well when I was (there all gonna be 19) my mom died in a....a....a car crash and my dad didn't take it to well, he started to drink, a lot, like lots and I was taking care of my brother a lot because my dad would be at bars and clubs wasting our money, while I worked like...I think it was 6 jobs and fed my brother and I, I also had to drag my dad out of the bar everyday, it started to be a regular thing for me, I got off school, went to my 6 jobs and the. It was about 6:47 when I got home and I would feed my brother and then got to the bar to get my dad, bring him home, feed him, and set him in bed, I went to the bar so often I know the bar tenders full name, birth date, address, and random stuff that he day I went to pick up my dad and while we were walking on the street to get home, he pushed me in a alley way and started beating me, I called the cops and got him in jail for 2 years, he got out when I was 17 and my brother wasn't safe with me anymore so I sent him to moms (use to be) good friend, he is still there, and hopefully safe, I bought a apartment and didn't care about my dad anymore, he almost killed me that night, so the day I was leaving to come here......he found me....I don't know how, but he did......he started talking about how I betrayed him and almost threw a knife a me, after that he slipped my mind because I was having such fun here, when I found that note, I couldn't believe he found me.....again, I can't go throw this again, and Jenn, I'm so sorry that your doing this and I understand if you don't want to" now she was full out balling
"I'm doing this, and if I die, so what, I'll meet your mum and tell her this and tell her that when your dad dies tomorrow, not to comfort him, to smack him across the face and yell the heck out of him" I said with pride
".......thanks.....means a lot....." She said
"I'll leave you your thoughts? that" I said, she nodded and I walked out. Man I'm gonna rip that guy's head off.

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