Chapter 1

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--Tom's POV--
Gosh, I'm so excited that I get to see Emma,Jenn,Lucie, and Jess again, I hadn't seen them in awhile, so I'm happy.
When I got to the airport, I heard my flight been called and went to the exit
"Well Hello" the lady said all flirty like
"Hi, Um here's my ticket"
"Thank you and here's my phone number"
"Err, bye" I left without another word, EW I hate flirts like that.
I got on the plane and saw Jess already sitting their
"JESS" I yelled to her, she jerked her head near me and jumped up hitting her head .
"Ow.." She said as I walk over
"TOM, EEEEEEEEEK" Jess screamed hugging me tightly
"Can't......breath......dude.....release" I say starting to get dizzy
"Oops, sorry"
After that we talked forever, it was a 26 hour flight and we probably talked for about 22 hours of it, we fell asleep later on.
I woke up to the pilots voice
"We will be landing shortly, please turn your devices off" I hear the pilot says
"Jess wake up" I shake Jess
"Waa" she said cluelessly
"Dude the plane is landing"
"Oh, yay"
"Wait, WHERES LUCIE" I yelled getting attention
"Sorry, he's just scared" Jess said to all the passengers
"Dude where is she" i say really worried, Lucie has been my friend for a while now, I met her at school and she's a good friend, what if she.....died
"Don't worry Tom, she ok, she will be here in about 4 hours"
"Ok good"
-------------once they get to the house------------
"OMG ITS HUGE" I yelled, Jess just started laughing, probably at me
"Why are you laughing"
"Because your expression was priceless" Jess starts laughing harder
"Whatever, let's go in" I grab jesses hand and drag her inside
--Jenn's POV--
I was at the airport, I'm suppose to be flying with Emma, but I can't find her.
"CANWAII" I scream at the top of my lungs, Canwaii is a combo of Canada (Where I live) and Hawaii (where Emma lives)
"CANWAII FOR THE WIN DUDE" I hear Emma faint voice
"OLAY CANWAII" I hear Emma yell
----on the plane---------
"CANWAII" I yell on the plane, getting strange stares from people
"Sorry she's on crack" I hear Emma say
"EMMA" I yell getting more stares
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK" We scream in a unison
we talked for the whole 28 hour flight.
------------At the house cuz YOLO---------
"JESS TOM LUCIE, WHERE HOME" Emma screams in the house, I hear a lot of running and then Jess and Tom there with very happy faces, Where's Lucie?
"HIIIIIIIIIII" they scream running at us and tackling us
"I'm happy to see you guys to but I can't.....breeeeeath" I say trying to get some air
"Sorry" Jess says getting off me and Emma, Tom stays there, I think he is asleep
"Did Tom fall asleep?" Emma says laughing
"Yup, I'll drag him up, btw Lucie should be here soon, she forgot her phone at home, so she missed her flight"
"You guys can unpack, Tom and mine rooms are marked, so pick one"
Me and Emma look at each other and run upstairs trying to find a good room, I found one with a bathroom and a balcony, the balcony had a ladder to the roof, good I like roofs. I went to see Emma's room, she also has a bathroom, I think all the rooms do, she passed out on her bed with her phone in her hand, before I left I took her phone and put it on her desk so she doesn't crack it, I had a glimps of the screen and I was still on, she was messaging her mom, AWWWWW, I shut it off and left


Five Secret LivesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz