Chapter 8

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--Lucie's POV--
"These voices in my head, their getting to strong and I can't take it, I need to get them out, NOW" I yell at the end
"Ok, ok, there's only one way for a demon to escape your body, and that's to kill another Secret, and I don't mean your friends, the world of secrets I was talking about, the portal opens every Saturday, you lucky it's Saturday today, you can enter the portal and I will guide you to someone worthy of death"
"Um....okay then let's go"
Annabelle took me to the portal and we went through
--------In The Secret Land--------
"So here we are, over there's the bakery, there's the weapons shop, there's th-"
"I don't care about any of that, who can I kill"
"Fine, come with me" Annabelle lead me to the Secret Land Prison and we went in, there were loads of random creatures, but I recognized one.
"Lily" I said in confusion
"Lucie?" She looks up
"LUCIE" She screams and runs to the bars of the prison sell
"What are you doing in The Secret land, And what are you doing in Jail"
"Well, after you left when we were 13, I met this really cute guy and ended up dating him for about 3 years and then I was 16 and he wanted to have some 'fun' and you know what that means, that night I felt weird, he some how got his powers to me, and he was a Secret, so now I'm one, and then I found this portal in the forest behind his house and went in it, it brought me to 'The Secret Land' and I did a few bad things and now I'm here, and I already know you found a locket under your bed with your friends and now you have powers, and you came here with Annabelle to get the demons out of your head"
"I can read minds, that was the guys power, he could always read my mind, and after the 'fun' we had, I read his mind, and I quote him 'that girl was so hot, lets see how she liked me' and then he looked confused on why he couldn't read my mind, and I left him that night, went to the portal and you know the rest"
"Ok well i got to go, and I will get you out of here, I promise"
No you don't
Silly girl
Don't you know
Promises don't change anything
She will stay in jail
And you won't get me out of you head
I'm here
For ever...
And ever
And ever...
"Let's go now" Annabelle lead me to an old man
"This is Jeffery, he has been in jail 78 times in his life, he will die soon, he has many diseases, you may kill him"
"Ok then" I grabbed a knife and went in the cage, I killed the man and walked out.
The demons were gone,
"YES THERE GONE" I screamed happily
"Wait Lily" I mumbled and went to the desk at the front of the prison
"How much is it gonna take to get Lily out of jail"
"Nothing, just one more day and she's free, but then you need 2747483648 dollars to get her out now"
"Here" I gave the girl a piece of paper that said 'I'll pay later' and went to lily's sell.
I unlocked her cage, grabbed her wrist and run out, Annabelle close behind
"LILY" A boy yelled behind us
"Oh no, it's him" lily mumbled

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