Chapter 27

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--Emma's POV--
I came back with a plate of 2 hotdogs
"You got me 2! Aw thx em" Jess says taking the plate
"No, I made you ONE hotdog, your bot the only hungry one here" I say and grab the other hotdog, Jess pouts and I start to laugh
"Okay, Lucie Truth or DARE" I ask Lucie
"Um, truth"
"Wow your boring, but okay" I say
"Okay so do you have any feeling for Mitch?" I ask, I've been kinda wondering for a while like I know what he did but I don't know how Lucie feels at this point
"I have no feeling for him" Lucie says
The truth or dare game goes on for hours, we ended up drinking 17 Cokes and 29 Juice boxes and 6 pizza boxes and 3 chip bags, by 4:24Am, we are all passed out on the floor sleeping in the weirdest positions.

--Tom's POV--
I woke up and looked around the room, I noticed I was sleeping on a coffee table with a pizza stuck to my back, and saw everyone around the room sleeping on couches and the floor and the plant? okay whatever.

I walk over to the kitchen to wash my face off and try and get the pizza off my back, I turn the lights on and see a person with a black hoodie raiding our fridge, what the heck?

"Uh hello?" I say grabbing a pan and holding it close.
Suddenly the person runs at me and slams me to the wall, a pain runs through my back and I realize I didn't slam against the wall I slammed against the stove.....which was on.

I quickly get up but I get pushed to the ground knocking a pan on my forehead as I fall.

The last thing I see is the person running away and then very thing goes black.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapters but I really have no idea what to do for this book and I don't have much time in the day either so ya Bye

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