Chapter 73 "I'm Sorry"

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Aunt May had arrived home from work and was met with the kids sitting together in the living room, facing the TV. She forms a smile to the group as she closes the door and places her bag down.

Aunt May:Hi kids, are you watching a movie?

MJ:Hey Mrs.Parker, and yes we are, we were about to start leaving after this movie was over

Aunt May:You can't leave now without having eaten yet, stay with us for dinner

MJ:Thanks Mrs.Parker, my friend can stay and eat here too right? He came from the big city to help us decorate
*Aunt May looks at Johnny and she nods with a friendly smile*

Aunt May:Of course he can stay, it must have been a long journey and it's late for him to leave now

She notices Jessica walk in from the kitchen from refilling her cup with hot chocolate and she forms a small smile.

Jessica:Hi Mrs.Parker, I came to visit too so sorry for using your kitchen

Aunt May:It's fine Jessica, you're welcome to visit anytime. Would you like to have dinner with us? You'll probably get cold if you step outside

Jessica:I love the offer but I have to go back to check on my sister, I don't live far and I came by car so you don't have to worry

Aunt May:I understand dear, but at least wait a while so I can pack up some leftovers and snacks for you and your family
*Jessica nodded as Aunt May walks towards the close entrance to the kitchen and gave a short glance to Peter and Danny sleeping together on the couch. She turned away and enters the kitchen*

Johnny:Who'll wake the sleepy couple up?
*he asks with his arms behind his head as he laid against the couch and the girls turns to Luke, who had rolled his eyes*

Luke:Fine I will
*he softly nudges Danny's shoulder hoping for him to open his eyes but he didn't*

Jessica:Is he a deep sleeper Luke?

Luke:He is, but I don't know why he's sleeping so much

Johnny:The blonde is probably tired

Luke:From what? He didn't do anything today

*he pokes Peter's cheek and then had lightly slapped his cheek. This instantly woke Peter up and quickly shot his daggers eye at Johnny who still formed a smile*
You're finally awake, your aunt is in the kitchen

Peter:Hu-what? She's here?

MJ:Yep! She's in the kitchen
*Peter instantly turned white and vigorously shook Danny awake as Johnny and MJ smiled, Jessica and Luke could only roll their eyes. Danny woke up and looks sleepily towards Peter's reddened face and he hugs his chest*

Danny:What is it love? I'm tired
*he spoke in his low voice with his eyes nearly closing again*

Peter:Danny wake up, Aunt May is home
*he lightly slaps the top of his head as he would repeatedly look over to the corner of the TV wall where the kitchen was*

The Day I Called You Mine{Spideyfist}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें