Chapter 93 "For Him"

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Peter lept over a building slightly higher than the one Elektra was standing on, looking down to the dagger in his hand. He spoke when she made a small move by gripping her other dagger.

Spider-Man:It won't be a good idea to start throwing more daggers at me since I'm on a higher ground than you after all. I can just easily keep you down by webbing you down and leave you until it would take hours until you can leave without your weapons

His arms wave with Elektra eyeing her dagger in Peter's hand. Her dark eyes squinting tightly together that it formed a wrinkle under her brow, so she places her dagger back into its case around her thigh. Peter had sat down on the rooftop with his legs dangling off, his leg over the other with the dagger placed beside him. As he rubs his chin, Peter looks down to Elektra who was tightening her fists, already seeing Elektra trying to figure out to complete her mission and looking antsy.

(So she was sent to kill me...Why? And by who? She does look like a professional, if she was sent to kill me personally by someone then she must be strong and believes that they can be able to kill me...I wonder who has the confidence of thinking they could kill me)

Spider-Man:Elektra right? Who hired you to kill me? How long were you following me? And...don't you get cold with your outfit? You're not even wearing sleeves...

Elektra:I am not permitted to tell you anything

Spider-Man:Hah?! Really? You told me your name!

Elektra:It's proper manners to do so

(Yeah because I said so...If she won't tell me then would tying and scaring her work like the other two?)

Spider-Man:Listen. So if whoever hired you has sent you to kill me then...they must be afraid of me tearing down their evil reign or something...Does it have to do with the drug lord Tombstone?

(Tombstone could've hired her to kill's possible but does he think that I wouldn't keep her down? She's not made of steel like he is anyway...)

Elektra:I was not hired by him. I was sent here

(Same thing. So did Tombstone sent her here? he in the area? Bobby looked as if he was in urgent matters inside the burning rest...uarant...)


Peter abruptly stood back up and turns around a building that was full of flames, the bright flames glowing from the restaurant in the distance.

(Those idiots!)

His legs had slid back when he saw Elektra's shadow figure move towards him with her dagger raised. Elektra grabs her other dagger from the ground and places both in their case beside her thighs. The spider's heart pulsing from the flames in the back starting to rise.

(Damn it damn it damn it!)

Elektra ran towards him with her fists clenched; trying to land a punch towards Peter who only swiftly dodged and move back from getting kicked by Elektra. Keeping his eyes towards the direction Elektra was swinging her fists as if she was aiming for his shoulders, not giving him time to give the building another glance with flames rising higher and higher.

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