Chapter 8 "Its Over"

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Jewel (aka.Jessica Jones) and Spiderman (aka Peter Parker) just ran down the hallway with a group of webbed up, unconscious SHIELD guards behind them as the hall lights started glowing red with an alarm and then a door had opened in front of them showing the night sky then Jewel and Spidey had quickly ran out and had paused to catch their breath

Jewel:Is that all??*she asked as she was taking her breath*

Spiderman:No not yet*laser machine guns had rose up and was facing him and Jewel*

Jewel:We're taking a run for it web head*grabs Spidey's wrist then runs off to the left side of the helicarrier as she's dragging Spidey*

Spiderman:Jessica!! Hold up!!*Jewel had then jumped off the helicarrier and started flying straight down towards the city as she's holding Spidey's wrist*I can form a parachute for me, you don't have to hold onto my wrist

Jewel:I have to make sure you won't run away again

Spiderman:*looks up to her then looks back down*Fine


White Tiger:*hears her watch turn on as Fury spoke*

'Spiderman had escaped'

White Tiger:How did he escape

'A girl with dark hair and what looks like a white sweat suit and blue boots and a grey sweater, is she the girl Jessica Jones??'

White Tiger:Unfortunately, I can't believe she even went to break him out

'do you know where they could have gone to??'

White Tiger:No, I'll contact the team and we'll find them*ends the call with Fury then calls Nova*Hey listen, Jessica broke Peter out of SHIELD, we have to find them


Jewel had dropped Spiderman onto a rooftop and Spiderman had quickly sat down as Jewel did the same

Jewel:Where's Kilgrave

Spiderman:I don't know, that's why I placed a tracker on him

Jewel:You placed a tracker on him?? How and when??

Spiderman:I placed the tracker before the idiot had tried to kill me, I placed it on his back when he hugged me

Jewel:How can I trust you?? How do I know that you're not leading me to a trap

Spiderman:Because Kilgrave also tried to get me killed?? He clearly thought I would die by buckethead's blasts, I think he's going to get out of the city

Jewel:He might...fine, I'll take your word for it, but if you lied to me I'll bury you

Spiderman:Fine*raises his wrist in front of him then turns on his watch then sees a big red dot on his screen and sees it moving*There he is, he's heading towards JFK International Airport, he's going to leave the city

Jewel:That's in Queens, let's go*stood up then her wrist gotten grabbed and she looks down glaring at Spidey*

Spiderman:What are you planning to do when you see him

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