Chapter 17 "Thursday"

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Ava, Sam, and Danny were sitting at their usual lunch table with their food trays in front of them. Ava was scrolling through her phone while unfortunately hearing Sam brag about his space adventure making her annoyed. While Danny was reading a golden medium book from Kun-L'un about the abilities of the fist that he didn't know much about.They were all waiting for Luke and Jessica to arrive to their table after both of them had to drop off their books in their lockers until Ava and Sam saw both of them walk towards the table with MJ next to Jessica while crying?

Ava:What happened MJ?

Jessica:I just found her in the girl's restroom crying before coming here

Sam:Oh Lord, what's wrong MJ? Was it Flash again?

Jessica:Should I break his nose again?

MJ:N-no...its just about...Peter*she quietly answers as she wipes her tears and sits next to Danny as he closes his book*He's been in a bad mood lately...he's suddenly ignoring me along with Harry, Since Harry didn't came today he ignores my calls and Peter is ignoring me and would just walk away...did I do something to make them hate me?

Sam:You did nothing MJ. I think it's basically our fault

Ava:Oh you think?

Sam:Yeah well might as well admit it now Ava!

MJ:What happened? Did you guys get into a fight?

Ava:It's more like Peter just started snapping at us for no reason, mostly because Sam was annoying him

Sam:All I said is if we could meet his friend the Human Torch, then he gotten all defensive and started blaming us for interfering in his life out of no where

MJ:So it's my fault...I was the one gotten Peter and Johnny to meet up...they were friends for a long time and now they got into a fight then they stopped talking, I wanted them to get along...then maybe I did the wrong thing to do so since now Peter is ignoring me, so something might have happened between them

Sam:It's not your fault MJ, when I saw them, they looked fine, they weren't yelling or anything

Ava:Yeah well Peter is pretty quiet about his personal life

MJ:He always been like that...he always had problems not knowing who to trust every since we were kids. He only trusted me knowing that I won't hurt him especially by how protective I am of him since I see him as a little brother. I don't know what to do*she continues to sob as she digs her face in her hands*

Danny:MJ, it'll be fine. I have a little brother and older siblings of my own so I know how that feels. What you can do is try to give him some space and wait until it looks like he calmed down, if he looks angry and you approach him then he'll get even more angry. When he's calm you can try to talk to him but don't force him to tell you everything that's been bothering him. He'll open up to you when he's ready and just try to make him happy whether it's a hug or a walk between the two of you

MJ:Thanks Danny!*she hugs Danny as she sobs in his shoulder*

Danny:You're welcome MJ*he then hugs her back as MJ soaks Danny's shirt with her tears*

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