Chapter 26 "Let Me Help You"

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Luke was in SHIELD's infirmary as he was sitting on the metal bed with his back was on the wall with his right leg up to his chest as he had his black glasses beside him. He then hears a door open beside him and he turns his head and he sees Ava walk in as she was wearing the lower half of her costume as she was wearing her green amulet around her waist as she was wearing a white tank top with white bandages wrapped around her chest. She had her hair tied up in a high pony tail then she sat on a metal bed beside Luke

Ava:Hey...*she moved her body up until her back was against the wall as she moved her legs up towards her chest*

Luke:How are you feeling?

Ava:The doctor said that I'll be fine

Luke:Really? You were just thrown against a building by webhead, you could have broke a rib

Ava:I have a cracked rib...I won't be able to get in the costume and go out for a few weeks...

Luke:Well that sucks...

Ava:Where's Danny?

Luke:He probably went out to check on Peter

Ava:And Sam..?

Luke:He's getting stitches right now, he'll probably won't be out in a while

Ava:I always told him to not get aggressive with Peter in battle, he could have blasted him again...*she lays her head back on the wall as she stares up to the ceiling then she looks back down to her right hand and looks at her nails as Luke looks at her*

Luke:You're fine Ava, your gloves wear the only ones that were stained with blood...

Ava:Do you think I overreacted?

Luke:No way. You did your job to stall Peter so SHIELD could arrive

Ava:I guess so...he did betrayed us for his can we even trust him now?

Luke:We'll ask him when Danny comes back so we can go together*the metal door in front of them had opened and they see Fury and Phil walk in*

Fury:Where the hell is Rand

Luke:Did something happen?

Phil:Parker escaped

Fury:His mask, web shooters, and his backpack were all stolen from my office*Ava quickly had gotten off of the steel bed as she spoke*

Ava:We'll find him-ouch*she winced in pain as she bent her knees forward as she received sharp pain from her chest as Luke quickly gotten off of the bed and he places his hand on her shoulder*

Fury:No you won't, you're in no condition to go out

Ava:We have to turn him in! He nearly killed Sam!*she yelled in anger as she started to give out deep slow breathes as she started to hold Luke's hand and tightens it as he started to lead her to the bed*

Luke:Maybe you should lie down and calm down*they all turned their head towards the metal door that was behind Fury and Phil and they see Danny walk in as he looks at them glaring at him*

The Day I Called You Mine{Spideyfist}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz