Chapter 61 "I Envy You"

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Janet:Burn them all, burn them all, burn them all, burn them all...

Spiderman:(damn she went full hothead right now...what triggered her?)
*he leaped on the wall on his left before Janet's ball of flame can catch him*
(She looks like she can control her abilities...she's not as clumsy as she was yesterday so that's not bad but not good either, giving me a disadvantage to get close...and I only have one more foam ball to keep her detained...)
...I better hurry before Fury comes here...
*he kept leaping side to side avoiding Janet's fire balls making her more frustrated than she was before*

Janet:Stop moving!
*her fire ball had grew two times it's original form and aimed it at Peter, Peter was getting ready to move but stops as he sees people still down on the ground in front of him. He quickly scans around the place and couldn't find anything to shield him and the bystanders. He clenched his fists and he ran towards the them, he stood in front of them and had spread his arms out in front of the fire ball, making Sam and Luke shocked as they watched the fight going on on the TV*

Sam:What the hell is he doing?! He's not going to stand infront of that huge flame right?!

Luke:Webhead is going to die like that, we have to go help, he can't handle it on his own

Ava:Not yet, Peter should have a plan

Sam:Plan my ass! He's going to die like that! Where's Danny anyway?! He should come in and save him

Ava:(where is Danny? Those two went out together so where is he? He's not the type to leave his boyfriend alone in combat unless...he's held up somewhere, Peter is stubborn and cares about Danny's image so...)
...Danny's fine, I'm sure he's as mad as you two are right now

Danny kept struggling to remove Peter's webbing, it was tighter than Peter's usual webbing and more stronger too.

Danny:(what the hell is Peter thinking of tying me up here? Does he think he can just go off ahead leaving me worried to deal with the problem himself? When did he have time to upgrade his webbing, it's stronger than before...why doesn't he trust me that I can do it? Ugh damn it!)
*he continued to break free from the strong web but stops as he sees a large ball of flame head down the road near him*
(Peter! Why did he-? Damn it damn it damn it! Why won't this break free?!)
*his fists had suddenly lit up and burned the webs around him, getting him free*

Janet's eyes widened as she sees the huge ball of flame heading back towards her, she raises her hand to it causing the flame to crawl back to her. Peter had two sign poles, one in each hand, the metal on the sign poles were burnt as his costume had a few holes that were burned off with burn marks on his skin. His mask was slightly burned on his cheek and a corner of his mask where the left eyehole was at, his hair was sticking out and his eyes were focused on the ground as he was facing down forward breathing heavily. His hands were shaking but was still holding tightly to the metal poles starting to bend by his fists, the group watched in surprise in front of the TV.

Sam:How- when did he get those?!

Ava:Pay attention, when he spread his arms out in front of the flame he had activated his web shooters to grab the roads' stop signs, he pulled it by force and used it as a shield to protect the group of people and push the fire ball back at the mutant

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