Chapter 7 "On the run"

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Kilgrave:*sitting on the couch drinking champagne from a small glass then sees the door open in front of him and sees Spiderman walk in with his mask up revealing his angry expression in which Kilgrave had smirked towards*Did something happen my spider?? That look on your face doesn't look pleasant

Spiderman:Why did you talk to Danny

Kilgrave:So he told you??*he then had placed down his champagne glass onto the desk in front of him then he stood up and walked towards Spiderman*Why are you so mad about me talking to Danny?? Is he more than just a friend??

Spiderman:Did you do anything to him

Kilgrave:I did nothing, but I do admit, his fists are interesting, I'm willing to capture him, I'm sure he'll be a high amount

Spiderman:*shoots a death glare at Kilgrave*What the hell is that supposed to mean

Kilgrave:Someone is hoping to find the iron fist, so imagine if I take your friend and sell him for his fists, I'll have millions*he then gotten grabbed by the collar and was facing Spiderman in disgusts*

Spiderman:You're not going to use me to get Danny just so you can get paid!! I'm going to tie you up here so I can call my team and Jessica!!

Kilgrave:This is outrageous!! Let me go right now!!*he then gotten let go by his collar and he quickly fixes his suit and tie then glares at Spiderman and swings his arm across Spiderman's cheek and grabs Spidey's chin to force him to look at Kilgrave*Watch who you're yelling at you little brat, do that again and you'll cut your throat open*he then let's go of his hand and sees Spiderman looking down in a depressed state*Now, it's time for dinner, come now son, let's go to the porch*he then walks towards the door of the porch with Spiderman walking behind him and they were outside of the porch with two chairs and a table in between*Now stay here as I bring in champagne, I'll quickly come back*walks towards the door and opens it and was walking towards another room*

Spiderman:*looks out the balcony and sees cars driving by the road and people walking down the sidewalk then he jumped up the railings and he looks down as Kilgrave was calling for his name from inside the villa*

'Peter!! Step down from there!! You'll hurt yourself!!'

Spiderman:*ignored Kilgrave's requests and was still looking out towards the buildings then he had jumped down from the railings then Kilgrave was behind him with his arms crossed*

Kilgrave:Why weren't you listening to me?? Why were you looking out the buildings over there, if you're going to ignore my requests then you don't deserve to have ears*hands Spidey a small knife from his pocket*Cut your ears off now

Spiderman:*grabs the small knife from Kilgrave then moves his mask up revealing his face then moves the blade of the knife towards the back of his ear then he started sliding the knife to his ear in which blood started quickly dripping making Spidey wince in pain with tears forming in his eyes*

Jewel:*up the rooftop of the villa looking down to Spidey and Kilgrave then grabs her knife ready then her mouth gotten covered from behind and was pulled back as a feminine voice was whispering to her ear 'Recognize me?' in which Jewel quickly turned around and sees a brunette with a white tiger costume*

White Tiger:Try not to make any noise now, the boys will get Kilgrave and Peter

Kilgrave:*sees a tear rolling down Spidey's cheek and more blood dripping from his ear then he grabs the wrist of the knife Spidey was holding then took it away from him then threw the knife to the ground and had cupped Spidey's face and his thumb had wiped Spidey's tear from his cheek*Don't cry anymore Spider, just pay attention to my orders got it?? I don't want you to leave*he then hugged Spidey and had placed his head on Spidey's shoulder*

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