Author's Note + What's To Come

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That last chapter took a while, didn't it?

Thank you all soooooooooo much for sticking by this story for so long (ToT)

I never thought that the story would still be going strong after we started this story 4 years ago.

We were starting high school when we posted the first chapter and now we're in college, how fast the years went by ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

It was before we started high school when we were planning this story of challenges we wanted to place Peter in after watching the USM show together.

We changed a ton of ideas and were heavily inspired by songs to encourage the writing, such as the title. We named the story after the song, Call You Mine by the Chainsmokers 4 years ago.

The song was a starting point for us for the dynamic we wanted to form between Peter and Danny in the course of their relationship.

We're both inexperienced in being in romantic relationships so writing about Peter's and Danny's relationship was a bit tricky since they have gotten together so early in the story but we decided to go with the flow.

I've been in an unserious relationship so I was just spired by my experiences into the relationship between Danny and Peter. It's quite obvious that their relationship isn't healthy in the story and they both have to recognize that and learn how to be better for them to be happy.

After all, dating a hero isn't easy especially when they're teenagers and still finding their own identities.

The progress will be slow, it'll be infuriating at most parts but it'll become one of the main steps of reaching maturity and learning to grow as people. Which is the main point of this story that the show failed to capture, maturity.

I do have to say that my biggest regret was not planning the story so seriously back then unlike how I'm currently planning my other stories.

Luckily I got the flow of what would happen next but I do hate myself for not taking it seriously back then with my friend (°▽°)

Well now that I'm more mature in terms of my planning, I'm not sure when I'll post each chapter.

Aside from me now having work, I have school and will get more tense when break is over so hopefully I'll post either once or twice a month with each chapter having the basic 7,000-9,000 word count. |( ̄3 ̄)|

Imma try to be more present in writing, I swear guys ('⊙ω⊙')

These future chapters will definitely be action-packed with a few time skips. It'll become more mature and a bit more violent, there will also be progress in Danny's and Peter's relationship and more of the other characters.

I don't want to spoil too much of what will happen next after what I have written in the last chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Well that's all I have to say for now(^ν^)

Thanks again loves. We're soo happy for the support you've given us and we encourage y'all to give more comments and theories, we really enjoy reading them (≧∇≦)

Let's pray for another 4 years of this story.

We love you guys <3

Ps. Next chapter will be posted after New Years <3

 Next chapter will be posted after New Years <3

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