Chapter 77 "A Tiger's Death"

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The clean hallway was filled with police officers who were talking to the frantic nurses. The three boys were running down the hallway with Aunt May quickly following behind them. They were looking at each label of numbers beside the doors looking for Ava's room number. Sam had let out a gasp of relief when he sees the number they were looking foor and was the first to grab the door handle. A voice had called out towards them from the end of the hallway.

They all turned to the officer who had approached them along with a nurse and the three boys gave them a sour look.

"Are you one of the guardians of this patient?"

Aunt May:Y-yes I am...h-how is she?
*Peter looks over at Aunt May who was still shaken with her lips trembling, he grabs her hand when the nurse spoke next*

"Luckily she is fine, but...the bullet had damaged her liver and would need constant care for her treatment"

Luke:Is okay?
*the officer and nurse were silent as they gave each other a small glance. The nurse dropped her head with a small shake on her head*

"The only survivors in the tragedy were her...and her older sister who is currently in surgery. Bullets were shot deep in her hip and the doctors should take them out...which might take a while of course"
*spoke the nurse with a sympathetic tone, Sam tightens his clenched fist that was holding the door knob*

Sam:Who...who did this to them?
*he asked with venom in his tone, the officer looked hesitant but let out a sigh and spoke*

"That is unknown. The people who did this crime must have done this multiple times, they left no evidence behind. As well with nearby street cameras being damaged...we will solve this case if you could corporate with us"

Peter could only look away from the officer from rolling his eyes. He stepped back while still holding May's hand, she cleared her throat and took a step forward, covering Peter.

Aunt May:Of course we will...Ava have no enemies that I know of, I doubt the kids know as well...

Luke:That's right, she would never try to make enemies and was a responsible person...but if you don't mind, who was the one who found her and her family?

"The one who found the bodies was the survivor's daughter, the person who called was her husband"

Luke:Husband?...oh you mean Ava's niece was the one who found them

Aunt May:Oh dear, that poor child...having to see her family's bodies must have been a huge toll on her

"It is...we'll be keeping in contact with you and the survivor's husband for any clues in this tragedy...I apologize for stalling you"

The officer had turned around and approached back to the rest of the officers. The nurse had nervously spoke.

"Ava is still asleep, so I hope you wouldn't make much noise to surprise her"

Luke:We won't

The nurse nodded and she walked walked past them and heads down the hallway. Sam had quickly opened the door and they all stepped in. With Sam being the first to see Ava laying on the white hospital bed with her arm out that was connected to an IV tube. He ran towards her and sat on the chair beside it, he grabbed Ava's cold hand and began to call for her while Peter closes the door.

The Day I Called You Mine{Spideyfist}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن