Chapter 36

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(Y/n) POV

I was currently standing around waiting for Levi to get changed after I dragged him through the dirt and grass on the way to the mess hall to eat and drink.

everyone else was standing around eating and drinking and having a good time

It made me happy to see everyone so filled with joy

"(Y/n).." Levi called

I turned around to see him looking very dashing if I do say so myself

He was wearing a black dress shirt and a pare of black dress pants

"Oh yes" I said as I looked him up and down

"Tch stop it" he said as pushed my face the other way

"Hehehe what ever then, you look better when your not wearing anything anyway" I said with a wink
As he smirked
"I would say same goes for you but ..."
He said with a dead straight face

I looked at him alarmed "are you fucking serious right now" I asked

"Of course I'm not serious, it would be fucking awesome if you just walked around naked" Levi said as he pretty much undressed me with his eyes

"Hehehe What in gods name was that conversation?" We looked to the right to see Hanji looking at us with a smile

"Nothing" Levi and I said at the same time

"Hmmm okay then it's time for the newly wed couple dance!!!" Hanji yelled as music started to play

"Tch like I m going to do tha...." Levi started, but I pulled him in to the middle of the dance floor

"Yes you are" I said and smiled at him as we began to sway back and forth

"Fine" Levi muttered and turned his head to look away from me with a smile

~TimeSkip ~

"What along day" I said as I plopped my self on the bed now changed into my pjs

"Agreed" Levi said as he walked in to the room from the bathroom and plopped himself right beside me

"So..." I said as I glanced at Levi

"So..." he said as he propped him self up on his arm as he looked down at me

I smiled and puckered my lips wanting a kiss

Levi leaned down and kissed me and then kissed me again and again..... and again.... and ... again

~Time Skip~

Levi's POV

"(Y/n)" I said her name as I brought my head up from he neck to look at her

Only to be met with a little hmmm and snor

"Did you seriously fall the fuck to sleep" I asked her but at this point I would have a better chance of talking to a fucking wall

I laid down on my back and just looked at (y/n) watching her peaceful figure rest

I reached my hand over and moved her hair out of her face " Tch you are quite the dam character aren't you brat" I smiled to myself

" I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you you got that" I said to her sleeping figure as I pulled her towards me

"I love you" I said to her

" hmLOmmVmE YmOU" she murmured as she rapped her arms around me

I smiled as I held on to her slowly closing my eyes.

??? POV

"Hehehe it's only a matter of time until I get my payment" I muttered to myself as I  grinned and jumped away from the sleeping couple's window...

I know it's short but at least it's something, hehehehe until we meet again Y/n
Have a good one !!

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