Chapter 16

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As Levi was about to try and attempt to make a sharp turn the gates opened and we zoomed into the survey corps ground and we finally started to slow down as we got closer to the stables

Where there was a boy that looked like a horse him self tending to the rest of his kind.

Finally the horse stoped and I let go of Mr Ackerman, lol I wonder if he would be mad if I called him that I thought to myself.

"Brat get off" Levi said with an inpatient vibe coming from him.

"Yes sir Mr Ackerman sir." I shout as I jumped off

He gave me a wtf face and said  "Don't call me that"

"Yes Mr Acker. . ." I start to say, Levi glares " shor. . ." I start to say, but yet again Levi glares.

I was about to say another attempt at a good nick name but then Mr shorty cut in and said
"It's Corporal Levi to you brat"

"Ok then Leafy" I replied with a smile.

"Tch" was Levi's response with a I'm about to kill you vibe.

Levi's POV

After that brat tried to find a stupid shitty nick name for me I saw that we were attracting a crowd.

I looked at cadet Jean and he saluted and shout "captain Levi sir"

"Tch" was all I had to say for that obnoxious shout

I started to walk towards Erwin as I just see him getting here now

"Levi were is (Y/N)" Erwin said

And out of nowhere we heard a scream

(Scream noises)

Erwin and I ran towards the screaming which was coming from the barn where I left that brat, before walking over to Erwin.

We have reached the barn to see (Y/N) on Jeans back holding a stick pointed towards a huge ass spider that was coming down from the ceiling

(Lol you know in Rapunzel when Rapunzel jump on to Flynn's back cause she  heard something coming from the forest lol and it ended up being a bunny.)

"Holy shit someone kill it" (Y/N) screamed moving the stick around .

"L..a...d..y I can't breathe" Jean said while his face started to turn a reddish pink color.

"Huh o sorry" (y/n) said as she slowly got off of Jean completely forgetting about the spider.

"Why were you screaming (Y/N)?" Erwin asked

Suddenly (Y/N) remember why she was screaming, she turn towards where the spider once was and saw it crawling towards her leading her to scream.

And run and jump on my back yelling at me to kill it.

"Holy shit, Leafy kill it, kill it please" she screamed in my ear

"Shut up brat" I said back but she continued to yell so I flipped her off my back .....


Squished the spider while doing it .

"There it's dead not stop complaining" I said with a smirk

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" she screamed as she ripped her shirt off with the squished spider all over it.

"Why the hell did you do that leafy" she screamed.

I can feel a slight blush forming on my face.

There in front of me she had no shirt with only her bra

I looked to the side avoiding anything that has to do with her as my eyes landed on Erwin his face was flushed.

" (Y/N) here here take my cloak" Hanji said as she gave it to (Y/N)

"Thank you" (Y/N) said

"Okay now that we got that settled, Hanji could u please show (Y/N) to her room and get her a uniform, then bring her to the mess hall for dinner" Erwin asked Hanji

"OKKKAAYYY!!" Hanji screamed and started to pull (Y/N) away

"Levi please come with me to my office " Erwin tells me

"Tch sure" I said and began to follow him.

Ok that's it for this chapter hope you enjoyed sorry it takes me so long to update

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