Chapter 6

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(Y/N) P.O.V
I'm in a group of three and if you include me four.
I have no idea what their names are but they seem pretty cool so far for not talking at all so being the talkative person I am I spoke up

"So what are your guys names?"

The one that had a bull cut looked at me and said "shouldn't you know our names?"

"Well, um" I said nervously.

"O ya that reminds me don't think I know your name either" the one that looks like a horse asked me.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), could you please tell me your names now?" I said a little annoyed with all the questions.

"OK yeah my name is Armin Arlert nice to meet you (Y/N)." Armin said with a smile.

"My name is Jean Kristein" Jean says with a wink I just roll my eyes as the last person starts to introduce his self

"Hi my name is Rainier Braon it's a pleasure to meet you" he said with a smirk.

"Pleasure is all mine" I bowed with a stupid grin on my face, not like they would see it my hood was on I wouldn't take it off till one of them asks about it.

"So um why do you  have that hood on it's not raining and we don't seem to need them so "Jean said.

Wow did he read my mind, oh well mind as well take it off as I was about to take it off there was loud footsteps coming towards us,

we all looked behind us and they're, coming right at us was a female titan she had blonde hair and blue eyes she really was only muscle and around 15 m class titan.

There was cadets trying to stop it but they were only killed in the end as it was getting closer.

Armin, and Jean looked afraid but for some reason Reiner looked oddly calm, it was kind of weird but I ignored it.

That's when the female titan came right us I was rather amazed, when she killed those cadets she did not try to eat them she only killed them for fun.

"(Y/N), Snap out of it we need to kill it now" Reiner said to me with a straight face,

"OK yeah let's do it" I said with a nod of my head.

We all jumped off our horses Jean went to attack but only got hit back by the female titan.

Armin ended up flying back because of the wind that was made when she swung her arm.

The female titan went up to Armin when he was on the ground and lifted up his hood to look at him and at that time Reiner went to attack but was squished and blood went everywhere and when she let go he was completely fine.

The female titan started towards the forest so I got on my horse and followed it.

Jean, Armin and Reiner we're calling for me to come back but I just kept going ignoring them. The titan had finally reached the forest I was right behind it now switching to 3-D maneuver gear and shot up into the trees.

There where other cadets trying to kill her  but only leading to death in the end.

I looked up past the titan to see Levi Ackerman and his squad.

I whistled for my horse to come back which she did and I rode behind the Titan.

There in front of me the female titan, and Levi's squad road even faster be chased by the female titan.

Levi's squad went right through a clearing then there was the loud sound of wires going off.

I had to get out of there fast they were setting a trap for the female titan, and if I am there and someone sees me there goes my cover.

"Gotta blast"

That's all for right now hope you enjoy until the next chapter tootles.

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