Chapter 34

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(Y/n) POV

"Miss (L/n) ..." someone said as I was being shaken awake

Hmmm I hummed in response as I hugged my pillow

"Miss (L/n) I have come to check how you are doing this morning" a man said as I open one of my eyes and glanced up to the man which turns out to be the doctor

"Hmm ya okay I'm good" I said as I closed my eyes again

Wait a second the doctor!!! Shit but that must mean he is seeing  me in my birthday suit!! I mentally screamed as I sat up covered myself with my hands only to feel fabric

I looked down to see pale blue button up  hospital pjs

"Oh" I said more to myself than anything

"Miss (l/n) what's wrong" the doctor asked as he looked at me and smirked

"Ugh nothing, what is it you need me to do, so I can get out of here" I asked as I looked around the room for a certain raven haired man

"I just need to know how you are feeling and see if your head hearts at all, you were very lucky the other day, you didn't break any bones or get a concussion and from what I heard you took quite the tumble" he said to me while looking at his clip board

"Agh ya I guess did and my head doesn't hurt, I'm okay" I said back as he was writing on some papers

"Hmm okay then I will go and get a nurse to bring you the discharge papers and then you can be on your way" he said as he clipped his pen to the top of the clip board

"Agh ya okay, thank you" I said  back to him as he was leaving

And as the doctor got to the door and just before he left he turned to me

"Oh and miss (l/n)" the doctor spoke

"Agh ya" I answered

"I heard about your little recovery session last night and as well as it seemed to work I would recommend taking it a little easy for the next couple of days" the doctor said as he smirked and left the room

"Wha (cough cough cough)" I coughed as hit my chest to soothe myself

The doors to my room then opened and in walked Levi

"Levi where the heck did you go omg I just went through the most painfully awkward moment that I have experienced in my entire life" I said really fast as I covered my face with my blanket

"Tch Good morning to you to and I went and got us some tea" he said as he placed the cups down on the bed side table

He then leaned over and pecked my lips

"Good morning" I mumbled "oh and did you change me into this" I asked gesturing to the pale blue pjs

"Idiot" was all I heard him mutter as he  brought his tea over to the desk and sat down

"Says the Angry elf and I'm not an idiot" I muttered the first part and yelled the second

"I put them on you this morning, you really think I would leave you like that" he said as he looked at me from the desk

"Thanks" I muttered

"Hi miss (l/n) heheh I have the discharge papers hehehhe  here for you" the nurse say as she giggles and places them on the bedside table And left

"Ahh thanks I guess" I said before she was completely out of the door

"Agh is it just me or is everyone laughing at me today" I said to Levi as I turned to look at him

Levi x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang