Chapter 18

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Levi's POV
Then that brat sat right in front of me with spilt soup surrounding her, and only wearing a towel.

All I could focus on is the mess of the soup that was dumped on that fool and I could hear the sound of the soup dripping onto the floor creating a puddle.

She sat there eating the rest of Hanji's food but I finally realized she was only wearing a towel

"Excuse me (Y/N) where are your clothes" Mike had asked her

"O Hanji left and I forgot where my room was which meant I could not find my clothes and now I am here" (Y/N) answered as she continues to eat the food.

"(Y/N)" Erwin spoke

"Yes" she replied

"Can you please go get changed then come back and finish eating" Erwin requested with a slight blush but was like a rock while talking.

Why the hell is he blush... as I was about to finish my thought I realized why he was blushing.

"Brat go put some dam clothes on" I said in a I'm going to kill you if you don't get some dam clothes on voice.

"O ok smart ones I will get some clothes on when someone can shows me where my room is again..." she pause for a second and swallow the food that was in her mouth and continued
"If you all listened then you would know that I can't find my room"

This girl is pissing me off I thought to myself

"Well maybe if you payed more attention to what Hanji was showing you would not be in this situation" holy hell I haven't said that much at once in along time, as I let out a long sigh.

"Ya what ever" as she continues to eat

"Tch" was my response.

~Time Skip~


After that little show down I had with my good friend Leafy, I finished up eating and brought my dishes to the dirty dish bin.

I now have set myself up for a mission to find my room.

Just as I was about to walk out of the dining hall the tall tree like man with to baby squirrels on his forehead called out to me, I looked over my shoulder to acknowledge that I know he was there

"Let me show you to your room" Brows said with a slight nod

"....ok" I said

"Ok...." he spoke back and just look at the door

"...Are you going to lead the way" I asked with a hint of amusement in my voice.

" oh yes of course" the commander said fast and began to lead the way but let me tell you he walk extremely fast

Dam his long legs and dam my short ass legs for being so dam short.

"This is your room" he said than walked away.

"Okay then" I spoke to myself and went into my room only to see that it was not a room but a closet

"WTF!!!!!" I screamed

But then I was lightly hit over the head I turned to see it was Leafy

"Why the hell you yelling brat" he spoke in a hushed but pissed whisper

"Oh, haha, hey Leafy"

He glared

"You see I was escorted to my room by mega brows and he led me to a closet" I said pointing to the closet.

"Brat that is not a closet that is your room you just have to clean it" a slight smirk was shown on his facein

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME LEAFY WHERE THE HELL IS THE BED!!!!" I screamed earning a scowl from him

"Tch you better start cleaning, if you want to go to bed tonight" Leafy said with a dead face and walked away.

"HEEYYYYY GET!..... back here" I yelled but realized he was already out of eye view.

I turned back to the room and sighed well this will sure be a long night.

Ok that's that thank you for reading and sorry it toke so long to update

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