Chapter 26

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I woke up in a cold sweat and blurred vision with a pounding head ache I tried to get out of bed only to fall right on to the ground my whole body was in pain

I looked up to the window to see the orange glow in the sky telling me the sun was rising

I tried to stand back up to get into bed but I didn't have the strength to do so

So I sat against my bed hopelessly waiting for someone to walk in, if anyone walks in

I began to think about the kids again and I couldn't help but let a whimper escape my lips and then another one

I was breathing harder and shaking more
I was crying I am crying and it hurts

Levi's POV

I was finishing up my paperwork right when Hanji thru open my door

"My dear Levi we must continue the search of my darling (Y/N)" Hanji had shout out

"Tch, she's in her room" I said

"Huh wait what really, well crap balls we didn't check her room did we, ha well I will let Erwin know, and you go get her and bring her to Erwin's office so she can explain." Hanji spoke to me

"Tch, fine, now go away" I said and she walked away with a humm and a smile, I have know idea what that means but she must know something I don't

I got up and began to head towards (Y/N)
As I got to her door I could here sobbing

I knocked and then opened the door to see (Y/N) sitting against her bed violently crying

I was shocked I have never seen her like this before she's always been goofy and strong I don't know what exactly to say or do

"Hey (Y/N), um ah what's wrong" I said as I tried my best to have a kind and calm tone to my voice

" wwaahhhhh Leevi wh at are y ou do ing here" was what she answered me as she tried to speak thru these thick waves of sobs


I sat there in front of Levi balling my eyes out

As hard as I tried to stop I just couldn't

"Le vi go aw ay I'm a mess" I said as he kept looking at me

He didn't say anything he just kept standing there

So I finally got up and pushed him "Go away!" I shout at him as I continued to cry

My knees were about to give out on me but Levi walked over to me and catch me 

"(Y/N)" he said my name

I don't understand this why is he here why does he care

"Please go" I said as I cried more

"No I won't go" he answered me.

Why I don't understand normally people just walk away from those who cry and show weakness I don't understand

"I want to be alone!" I managed to get out through some sobs as I tried to push him away

"(Y/N), I'm not leaving you, you don't need to be alone anymore" he said to me

There I sat taking in his words I'm not alone anymore tears were the only thing that were my response

I looked up to him and asked "But it hurts" as I sob

"What hurts..?" He asked as he looked down

"Everything I feel like I'm dying!! My life it hurts, I don't understand why god has given me so much pain! Why me,? Why !"
I yell out to him as I pushed him a little and we both fell on to the floor

" I don't want to feel pain anymore, I don't know if I can handle it much longer" I spoke softly as I sob

"I'm broken, broken things are to be thrown away, I deserve nothing more than to just disappear" I said as I cry as I began to get up only to be pulled right back down

"Broken things are meant to be fixed, and if you believe that you are just meant to disappear then this whole world does to,

because (Y/N) a world with out you in it doesn't seem much of a world dose it now.
You are not alone anymore you have your friends you made here and Me.

If you were to disappear think how that would make your friends feel, how do you think that would make me feel" Levi said to me I looked up to have him stair at me right in the eyes

"(Y/N), I would miss you if you decided to disappear" he said in a whisper and looked to the side

No ones POV

There (Y/N) sat in Levi's lap as she had her head rested against his chest and said to him  "I think I would miss you too if I were to disappear" she said  in a whisper as well

They then sat there in silence for a little longer until Levi spoke up and said
"(Y/N), I won't let you be alone anymore, that's a promise."

(Y/N) gave a Hmm in response and looked up at Levi with her big (e/c) eyes that were swollen from crying so much


I looked up at Levi examined his face then looked up at his eyes as he looked back I could feel myself blush but I was not the only one cause he was to, he looked to the side and just glanced at me here and there.

"Levi..?" I asked

"Hmm" was his response as he turned his head towards me

"Did you come here to make me feel better..?" I asked with a raised eye brow and a smirk

"Ahh, I came here to let you know Erwin needs to see you" he said as he looked right at me

"Oh.., well I guess we should go then" I replied to what he said 

I got off of Levi and stood up, him following my lead

I looked in the mirror only to jump back there was something scary staring back at me

"Um I will meet you there tell him I'm just getting  ready" I said to him

"Okay, and (Y/N)?" Levi questioned me

"Hmm" I answered in response as I tried to flatten my hair

" I will always be here for you.." he said this and left

There I stood blushing as I glanced up into the mirror and smiled

I hope you enjoyed this chapter so until next, bye bye! Please y'all do me a huge favour by voting , okay thank you

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