Chapter 21

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(Y/n) POV
After dinner I started heading back to my room but not before getting stoped by commander eye brows

"Hi there" was my response to him standing there

"Hello (y/n)....." he answered back and just stared right at me

"Ummmm commander do you need something or can I go" I asked

"Oh yes, sorry about that. I want to inform you that you have been placed onto Levi's team, so tomorrow you must go to training so you can meet them and..... umm golly darn what was the other thing I needed to tell you ummmm
Oh yes we have an expedition in three days so be prepared". He said then speed walked away.

I stood there with my mouth hung open what the hell was that and did he say golly darn good lord I thought he was a serious man but guess I was wrong oh well

I continued my journey to my bedroom for sleep.

Time Skip ( next day)

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep" my alarm clock screeched

"Uuggggghhhhh" I rolled over right off my bed and went straight to my alarm clock which I thought would be a hella good idea to put it on the other side of the room.

I turned off my alarm clock and went to get ready but there was a problem I looked back at my alarm clock and it said 2:30am I was shocked

I thought I set it for 6:30am

"Shit, shit, shit, this is going to be the shittiest day I have had in like a week.

"Oh well I'm up now might as well get ready" as I said that I tripped on my blankets

Time Skip

Wow ugh I'm on my 989 lap around the camp and I m gonna say it's almost 6 if not it is 6 it's taking forever

Levi's POV
I just finished up my paper work so I headed down stairs to make tea before all the brats wake up

As I was heading there there was a amazing view of the forest and the training field

As I was about to leave I quickly looked back to see a cadet running

I looked a bit closer and I realized it was that shitty brat (y/n) I couldn't help but smile a little.

I walked down stairs got my tea and then went over to the back doors and just leaned against them and sipped my tea while I silently watched (y/n) running laps.

I found myself just staring at her, her (h/l) (h/c) hair swaying behind her as she ran and her brilliant (e/c) eyes shimmering in the rising sun light

I was awe struck but then I blinked and all I saw was an out of breath sweating mess of a women.

I turned around and walked away with a slight blush dusted over my checks.

I was just finishing up my second last lap and had a feeling that someone was watching me I looked up to see the back doors closing.

"Um what the hell"

I ran over to the door opened up as I opened it I saw someone turning the corner at the end of the hall

I began to run again I was getting ready to tackle the bud who just decided to watch me

As I rounded the corner all I saw was the back of there head has I tackle him to the floor

But you see there was a problem we did not hit the floor but we began to fall down a flight of stairs.

We finally got to the bottom of the stairs but the landing was a lot softer than I thought

I looked up to see I had landed on the person I was chasing and it was nun other then king of the cleaning fairies.

"Well hello there Levi hows it going". I said

"What the hell! what do you think you are doing" he said as his face slowly began to boil with anger

"Um well the real question is what do you think you were doing, watching a young women from the back door! you perv!" I responded with sass it also did not help that I was straddling him right now.

"Ya!! I want to know who the dum cadet was waking up so early to do the work they were going to do later in the day!" he responded with

"Oh okay then I see hmm" I began to think

"What! What do you mean okay then." Levi said in a demanding response

"Well you were standing there for quite a long time....." I responded looking at him with my big (e/c) eyes.

"How did you know you don't look over at all." He said starting to sound amused

Haha " Well now I know" I said and jumped off of him.

"I'm going to get breakfast if I were you I would get up, you don't want anyone to see you lying on the floor do you" I said with a wink

Levi sprung off the floor with a huff and said " Tch your going to be cleaning my uniform it's filthy because of you"

"Ya ok I'll think about it" and with that I skipped off to the kitchen.

So much has happened and it's only 6:30am.

Ok so I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took so long to update.

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