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I was lost shocked at the scene in front of me.

I was numb.

I was frozen.

It was unbelievable.

A bead of sweat trickled down the side of my face slowly until it reached my chin and down my neck.

I could feel my hands going colder and colder because of the panic.

There was a sensation of my heart sinking because of panic.

My legs felt like they had been buried in ice...cold and numb

I whisper-screamed with my breathe when I saw every dead body getting up and starting to crawl or wobble before fully walking and running towards every uninfected human left on the road.

Another set of screams and yells echoed from the classroom nearby.
Perhaps they had also witnessed the scene going on outside.

The panic was unreal.

And I was literally dying here in my spot because I knew the result of sound on these creatures.

"Shut the fuck up!!!" I yelled on the inside.

I saw all of the peons and sweepers of the floor in a distance running towards the closet before shutting the door.

And that wasn't even a minute before I heard the announcement speaker go off.

"Respected teachers and students, this is the Principle and this is a very important announcement so please listen carefully...don't let panic surround you...I am sure you all have already seen what has just happened outside...before anything else, The teachers to lock the doors of the classrooms right now and shut the windows as well as the blinds. RIGHT NOW. Don't let any child peek outside as that can attract attention."
"Don't let anyone make any sound at ANY COST I REPEAT NO SOUNDS AT ANY COST. This building must look abandoned. Lights to be turned off as well at this very moment. Doors to be barricaded with chairs or tables or whatever is available in the room. The students in the sports area to be rescued inside without wasting any more minute."

At this point I, within a second look towards the open area mentioned just now to find any company and possible help but my heart sinks for the second time when nobody was there.

I gulp and continue to listen to the announcement.

"There is a possibility of a sudden epidemic and a spread of a virus which has lead to the series of events we have just come across. We are not sure about how it started. We will try to connect to the radio stations nearby since the calling facility has gone down. (Thud) Please stay safe and be ready to run in case something happens since there is a shortage of proper barriers for the back gate and - OH NO! HELP!! HELPPPPPPP!!"


A sound of disconnected ring fills my ears. Shit.
Now, There was pin drop silence throughout the school.
I could not move.

I felt that even my breathing or my heart beating was loud enough to create noise at this point and I could not run my mind on how to move and where to move. The classrooms were probably barricaded by now and they won't let me in thinking I am infected.

I tip toe while sweating towards the nearest corridor and look towards the classrooms and as expected, they were all shut close tightly as if a little loose door and death follows, which was the exact case here actually.

There was unfelt fear inside my veins but there was also confusion.

And then....Muffled screams and yells catch my attention but they were so low that they felt like I was hallucinating but yet at the same time they were real.

My eyes twitch to a wider position as soon as I sense them coming from the reception area, the same area where the principle's office was situated.

They were so low that I had to squint my eyes to concentrate on them and as soon as I did, I felt them becoming less muffled.

They were still very soft and not audible without concentrating but they were becoming just the opposite each second.

The hair on the back of my neck raise when I hear a muffled bang which was similar to a chair falling from a slightly high level, but again, very muffled and low.

The moment my brain processes that it was nothing but the breaking of a created blockage between the pathways to the main interior of the school, I feel like nothing is better than running away at this very moment, otherwise I can regret it in the hold of a monster's arm when it bites me.

I thank my past self a billion times for bringing my backpack along with me for bunking the class as I lightly take my metal bottle out of the side pocket and push it in deeper so that it does not fall out and create any sound, or should I say trouble.

I tighten the straps of the backpack and clip another strap together which goes around my stomach and makes the backpack more secure. I had never used it before.

And I sprint. I have never run this "quitely" before but if I have to run for longer I don't think I will be able to hold in my panting later, which is already somewhat forming from the panic.

I first try to make out where is a safe exit. At this moment "safe" isn't safe from injuries. It is safe from the things.

And I had heard the principle say that there was a shortage of barricades for the back door and I am assuming whatever is happening down there is a result of that only.

I feel a little pity for the people inside the classes. They have no idea sitting inside that they have already fallen into danger, well more like danger has already started to come for them, it's so hard for me to hear those screams while being outside. But I cannot help them now. I don't think hundreds of people will go anywhere safe together.

Moreover there is a guarantee of noise in case I do reveal it to them, so no.
I am really sorry. I guess all the people who bullied me (which was the entire school) will have their lesson.
I am just praying God gives them a chance.

I had found out a window by now which had some structural decor outside.
It was a series of big cement slates which had been there to create the huge logo of our school.
Without thinking I climb out on to the first slate and start to carefully, with baby steps, move towards the second. Then the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth.


No no no no please no.

What I see after this is that the straight slates had ended and now there were round circles of cement to continue the logo. Never had I regretted my life on my school logo this much.

Oh no please please please God.

So should I understand that luck will not be on my side from here.

I guess I used all of it to get out in the first place.

What am I gonna do now...


Hi guys. I hope you enjoyed. Just to let you know that I have another book going on so you can check that out as well.

The chase | JJK Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang