18. To The Citadel Of St. William

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Author's note:
Sorry, this is plot heavy. More sloppy chapters of telling rather than showing to come, so beware. My mistake. But for the sake of posting the WHOLE story sooner, lets edit it lightly, flex my old self, and publish it. Just make sure to edit it better later. Unfortunate as it sounds, please enjoy!!

🛡️ ERIC 🛡️

As the nine attendees settled in the library, father asked me to read the letter from King Baccu:

King Eugene,

The Coalition of the Kingdoms of The Islands of Poy declared war on us. The official statement via letter came to me this morning.

It is said they will attack and take Fifelycus and other towns and cities including St. William. This threat I know we, Anasians cannot deal on our own. Only with all the kingdom in the alliance's help that we could possibly win this war.

I earnestly hope that the mutual defense treaty will be honored here.

I took the responsibility of deciding for matters and I knew we could defend St. William for days to wait for reinforcements from the alliance, to prepare and move the population from other cities and go north, for the meantime.

Our spies said that the Pojans are gathering at Androsia with 30,000 soldiers, knights and archers. War ships close to a thousand and several dozen catapults.

Your urgent reply is needed.

King Baccu

King Eugene asked for suggestions or any reaction about the situation we faced.

King Jaques stated, "The Pojans surely had plans. They knew they couldn't defeat us-- the Southern Alliance. They couldn't even surpass us. Attacking Anastown meant that this might be a test, of whether the bonds of the alliance is strong or not. And they're doubting we will be in this" he spoke slower, "together."

"That's if The Southern Alliance is more powerful than them, is still true: they wouldn't try. Now that they did, I felt they are plotting something we have not figured out. We took them for granted." My father brushed his fingers through his properly shaved chin but designed moustache.

"This we cannot take lightly. We should act now or else they might damage our economy more than they already could at this very moment," King Jaques insisted monotonously, without a trace of fear.

The council meeting went on with every idea the alliance could need for the success of defending our societies from the threat of the most possible invasion.

It was good that my family and Jean's were both here. We all prepared for and sent urgent letters to all the Lords of the alliance to ask for their support in this endeavor. All of this would take days and what we could send to St. William was hundreds the soonest to reinforce the defence of the citadel there.

"I could send 1,000 from the city of Thales 4,000 reserves, 1,200 from Agrinspshire and another 4,000 reserves. All the counties excluding Becan, I think would sum up to roughly 9,000 and 32,000 reserves." Father's hands he somehow massaged.

He added, "How many can we bring from Becan?"

"A good 300 men Sire, plus 1,500 militia. If this will be the center of the alliance, we would need a good 500 guards here," Duke Longbow said.

"We won't move your wedding, we will resume with it to win this war. Just saying, before I could totally forget." My father pointed his finger to me.

"I agree, understood." King Jaques smirked, he looked satisfied with what he heard, and they finally agreed in a thing.

"How many can we get from Anbeia in four days most?" father asked again.

"I can guarantee 1,500 horse riders to go there as soon as possible" King Jaques talked with a slow, firm, and deep tone: flaunted in a way, "and followed with Anbeia's army of maybe 9,000. Reserves would count up to 30,000. Being wise, I would suggest not to deplete the remaining reserves, as it would hurt the economy. Would just send another 10,000."

"From Escotto I am guessing we could have roughly 6,000 soldiers and maybe 50,000 reserves. You are right, Jaques. We should cut the reserve to half of the soldiers, so that our economy won't suffer that much." Father was massaging his head.

Army to be sent from the four kingdoms, as I had written on my notes:

Thales 11,500
Anbeia 10,500
Anastown 8,000
Escotto 6,000
Total Reserves 18,000

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The engagement party was conducted this morning at breakfast, a simple celebration to officially declare the union of the two most powerful houses, Thales and Anbeia, without any other invites sent.

After the engagement breakfast, our family were called in a meeting by father in his study. Everyone was briefed about the general situation now and told us that Reia and I would go with father to St. William while all our other siblings would go back with mother to Thales, where they would be safest.

In times like this, our safety was one of the top priorities.

Then he dismissed the other children while Mother, Reia and I remained.

"The presence of the crown prince and the second in line princess will be important in this war. We cannot send you to battle now, Eric, but you will definitely help by being with me in the war council. Take this as a training for you to be the future King. I am proud of who you have become, and I see in how you react with all this. You are so prepared for this, your knowledge we will test in the council. And, whoever you want to marry with will not matter now, as long as you marry our side will have a boost in confidence to fight. And most important of all, I trust you.

"You, my princess, will replace Eric in the foreign affairs, as much as important as the war council. The foreign affairs office will make our efforts in the war more effective for the endeavours of our kingdoms. Your wisdom in dealing with problems will be tested here. I know you will be perfect." Father smiled.

"Just always be careful, I will assign guards for you two."

I went back to our room after the meeting and saw Jean packing his things.

"Hey." I said.

He kissed me on the lips.

"Why are you like that?" I raised my brow and brushed my hair with my fingers.

He touched his forehead with mine. "You're engaged now with my sister, it is heart-breaking."

I cupped his cheeks and lift his head up, my eyes searched for his.

"Look at me, I love you. Remember that. Marrying your sister will be best for us."

He kissed me again and I did not let him doubt that I did love him.

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Two Hearts Two Kingdoms (completed but still editing) Where stories live. Discover now