14. King Jaques' Plans

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🛡️ ERIC 🛡️


A morning just after breakfast, two days after Jean's party, I was seated at a violet velvet cushioned wooden chair beside Jean across the King's seat situated high at the throne hall of Anbeia, a little smaller than at Becan but was also adorned very well. The cream colored walls let the bright royal purple curtains pop-out. The opened up windows let ample lighting in the hall. Scents of mild jasmine and lavender flowers filled the room.

We stood up at the sight of King Jaques then we bowed. The king raised his brows slightly, not minding at all to bow slightly even his head. I admired him for being so jolly whenever he is with my father. He had a tough look, instilling his dominance over us both.

"Now, I won't be wasting more of our time from this situation. I'll be direct to the point here, " he said seriously. " I knew what was happening to both of you, we have ears and eyes everywhere. Your father," He pointed at me, "knew about this first and said I should take care of the matter. So, if you really liked each other, you should go ahead and be love birds. I don't really care. Just be very careful and keep this all to ourselves. Your families' welfare must be your top priority all the time. Do you two understand.?"

We nodded.

Jean looked at me, concerned. "Of course, your highness. We will remember that."

"You should. I want you to be happy, who may it ever be. Just keep everything with you two," King Jaques said.

"I will remember your words, King Jaques. I will never let us disgrace our families. Thank you for your kindness," I said in a firm but soft voice.

"Don't thank me just yet. I was informed that your family has decided to marry you with Princess Maia, the second in line of Escotto. Of course you cannot marry the crown princess being the crown prince yourself." he grinned suspiciously. "But I urge you not to look away anymore to find a suitable mother for your heir. I will approve of whatever relationship you wanted with my son here, Jean, if you will be wed with his sister, Princess Lyra." His teeth showed now, his eyes devilish. I did not like any word he said but it makes sense. Yes, it did make sense.

Jean's head is down, his eyes full of hurt. When he met my glance, he forced a smile as if all his pain was gone.

"I will do your will, let me write to father when we are back at Becan. I'm sure they will understand and will be happy with this decision." I told the king, he burst to laughter.

"You don't get me, do you? This calls for a celebration, eh? We will have the engagement at Becan. Let us not make your Queen and Princesses travel again from Thales to anywhere anymore, it will be tiresome. We don't want to burden them, do we?" He thought of something then continued. His smile, victorious. "I'll send my fastest horseman to meet your father and mother, they might rest at Becan. Yes... And you two can leave tomorrow for Becan, stay another night here so you can get to know your princess more."

Jean looked sorrowful.

"Also," the King whispered "just don't let Lyra know anything, or I'll side with her, it may break your hearts and our kingdoms. You get me, Crown Prince Eric of Thales?" he said aloud my title.

We all conceded to the agreement while nothing was certain that time with Jean's feelings towards me. All I knew is that he liked me.

The king dismissed us and went to his study. He made sure that Jean would have introduced me properly to Princess Lyra so Jean asked a chambermaid to call the Princess to go to his study. We went to Jean's office and waited there for Lyra.

His study was spacious, hanging on a wall was a big portrait of him as a teenager on a horse. He held a sword, wore a light blue coat and pants with his most serious face I had ever seen.

"It was painted before I left for the Royal Academy in Seresia. I don't like that portrait, I was asked to be very serious." His face showed a bit of worry. I was shocked as well by the circumstances we were in but I would like all this to be positive for us.

"The portrait is beautiful." I nodded. "You're handsome even if you weren't smiling, Jean." I love to say his name. I like him very much now and there would be no backing out from the situation we were in. Even so, I still felt that I needed to ask what he thought about all this. "Do you think I shall marry your sister, Lyra?"

"It was heart-breaking for me. But I do prefer that I can see you often anytime by assuming to visit her, don't I?" He smiled, finally showing his teeth trying to make a pun out of it. "Plus, this makes our family more wealthy than your family." he joked.

"You're right. I am not able to see it that way. It will benefit you more if I will be wed with Lyra."

"Are we going to change? I mean how we are with each other?" he asked sadly.

I held his hand, moved closer to him to comfort him as much as possible.

"I will be doing all of this to keep you mine. I know I've been distant to you after you said you like me. I was too afraid to fall for you. I knew that it was possible, very much."

He grinned sweetly, his eyes were gleaming with joy.

The moment was destroyed by two sets of fast knocks on the door, disappointing.

"Come in." Jean said, coldly.

The door opened up which revealed his sister that I knew for long now but haven't been able to be close with. Her smile full of innocence, her eyes of joy.

"Hi!" she said. Very untraditional. I looked at Jean with eyes wide open.

Jean introduced us properly with each other, reminded his sister the traditional way of introductions for royalties. He said, “It will be important to know all of that now considering you would be a crown princess.” He excused himself so we could talk privately.

The day that I knew Jean dreaded would come swiftly. Our two houses' members would all be in Becan, including some invited nobilities from around.

There was one thing I was sure of–– nothing was important for me now than my love for Jean.

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The moon shone, windows snapped as I closed them. The air was a little bit colder. My room here in Becan felt bigger because of the deafening silence between us that lingered since our arrival half an hour ago.

"Jean, can we talk?" I asked him.

He had been avoiding me on our two-day journey from Anbeia. I guess he and I were still shocked at what this circumstance could mean for us.

"Of course we can," he said.

"Why are you like this?"

"We have to be careful, right?"

"Yes, you had to ignore me on the road." I hate that I have to be ironic but he is clearly being unreasonable.

"It's nothing." I thought he might be very tired from our fast but long journey back here. So I ignored his attitude and went back to preparing myself for bed.

I will give him some space to be able to think about all of this.

We slept distant from each other: physically and emotionally in spite of all the extra pillows had been removed.

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Next day after our arrival, I was seated across from Jean in the library. For hours we sat there quietly going through papers. His rough calloused hands busy with a quill. I smiled, he was still very handsome even with this very serious look. He saw me staring but he went back to scanning through the papers.

Later, our silence was interrupted by his fidgeting.

"What is your problem?" I asked him.

"Nothing," he tried to smile though he looked troubled. He might want me to mind my own business so I continued to work. I tried to ignore him but I was affected by his uneasiness.

I glanced at him momentarily and one time I caught him looking at me as well. His gaze had so much emotion that might explode over me at any moment.

You can talk to me, Jean. If my brain could speak he might have known what I felt about all this.

"Can I.." he looked at me through his lashes. "Can I hold your hands again?"

I nodded. I placed my hands on the table. He grabbed them and held them dearly which made me uncomfortably warm.

"I love you, Eric." he said with sadness in his silver eyes.

My tears swelled, my stomach ached. We had kissed and cuddled a couple of times days ago, but I am not sure about my feelings. Certain was that I wanted to be with him all the days of my life.

Is that love?

I thought it is clear for me that I am crown prince and that he is a prince as well–– we have bigger obligations than our selfish desires. It is freaking lonesome to be a selfish and heartless monarch.

I did not want Jean to be selfish and heartless. Especially Jean.

Am I being egocentric for loving him? As I thought of all my duties, being together with him didn't make any sense.

But all did make sense–– if I love him.

Against all odds, I would fight for him: that I could do to be with him.

"I love you too, Jean."

I stood and reached for his chin so I could kiss him.

We will fight, I promise.

Two Hearts Two Kingdoms (completed but still editing) Where stories live. Discover now