1. He Hated To Dance

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🛡️ ERIC 🛡️ (Eric's POV)

I reread the interesting line on a book:

Love doesn't need to be perfect.
It just needs to be true.

But, how will I know if love is true? I thought as I glanced at the clock, I suddenly realized it was almost time for last rehearsal. I hated to dance but, aside from the fact that we were expected to be able to, the night's gathering was important for the future of the kingdom. So I convinced myself to get up from the warmth of the velvet couch, and hoped that my skill would help me up to the night of the actual dance. I loved to devour the insights I could get from the book but I closed it anyway, placed it on top of the desk and sighed.

I walked out to the hallway, then to the venue of the dance, to fulfill my duty. I am the crown prince and I must do whatever benefits the kingdom more, I told myself.

The cream walls with dark blue accent of the throne hall was newly painted, the golden plated Corinthian capitals was all polished. I was impressed myself for I have no idea that the room could be this beautiful.

I would love to follow the scent of jasmine flowers as floral arrangements were dragged here and there. “Hi sister.”

My brunette sister’s hair was pony-tailed with a golden-yellow ribbon high above her head, her almond-shaped dark caramel eyes pierced through my psyche. “Hey brother.”

“What’s with that look?” as I inquired, other princes and princesses arrived.

“Cannot you at the very least consider any of these fine ladies as consort?” she suggested.

My ears started to get warmer, irritated because my sister kept on forcing me to marry.

"What?" my voice echoed, heads turned to us.

Reia is my sibling two years younger than me. Being the person that I am, I shrugged it off as always in our arguments.

"Or,” loudly then she whispered, “I will just tell Maia that you are considering her to be your wife.” She raised her left brow. "What do you think?"

"I don't like her that much," I successfully attempted to tame my temper as always.

True, she was nice and she looks good. I even loved her doe-eyes which showed her interest every time I was talking to her. I did not see her as my wife though; I’ve looked at no woman as a wife.

"Who do you want to be your wife then, Eric? You're nineteen. You’re the crown prince and your past the age people expect you to have already been married."

I sighed to keep my calm in spite of her stubbornness.

"I know. But I don't like any princess here, not even one lady in the Academy." I forced a smile then back to my poker face.

"Maia is our friend,” she counted with her fingers, “she’s nice, she’s pretty, and she got high grades basically very brainy. What is the problem with all that?"

I pouted and hummed.

"You're adorable when you pout, even when not. You're tall, gorgeous," she said gorgeous louder, "smart, kind, charming, uh, what else? I love your blue-ish-green eyes. I hope I have those. I think she will like you."

We laughed.

"I know those." I adjusted my stance to prove her words.

"Princesses and princes, on your positions, please, " cued lively by the dance instructor, Señor Alberto as he clapped. "Please refer to the white marks on the floor, you should be above them." He pointed to the white circles taped on the floor.

Dark-toned skin, attractive set of deep black eyes and muscular built, Señor Alberto gestured the band of musicians to play.

The princesses curtsied and we bowed. Then I held Reia's hand and placed my other at her back. The accented rhythms of the lively tune started, our cue to start the steps which we were taught from the day we arrived. Her smile showed her set of pearly white teeth which made me enjoy as well.

"See. You're even more handsome when you smile. I bet all the princesses here, except me and baby Dion of course, wants to be your wife, our Crown Prince." She liked to call me crown prince often when she teased me.

I pouted and made my eyes smaller. I never liked girls. I thought we would be more happy if she knew that I liked boys and started shipping me with one of the nice princes here.

"I knew that, but no one here captivates my heart," I said in a dramatic manner.

She chuckled.

Time suddenly slowed down as my gaze was kept by the second-in-line prince from Anbeia. I was sure I knew him but I forgot his name that time. His golden hair bounced as he stepped, his smile hinted me of pure delight as his sparkling blue eyes talked silently with Lyra's eyes, his sister and partner in the dance. Their good sibling relationship evident which amazed me.

His looks and smile enthralled me, especially his expressive eyes.

I instantly removed the thought of being attracted to the prince. That was what I did whenever I feel attracted to men: I controlled myself. Brain over body.  I didn't know if I could truly love a woman, romantically of course that was why it was hard for me to choose a bride.

Reia patted my shoulder. “Focus, you might step on me. It hurts, a lot.”

🌺  🌺  🌺

The scene-painted vault ceilings with gold plated borders and pattern-decorated emerald green walls bored me. The extravagance of all the furnishings in this spacious room was screaming of wealth and power. A neatly dressed man with a fancy servant brooch was blabbering as he stood near the door, his voice enough to be clearly heard by everyone in the room.

Right before entering the throne hall, our house was gathered in the King’s chambers for the final briefing before the ball.

The night particularly important for father as we celebrate the 70th year of the considerable Golden Age of the kingdom, as a leader in the region. So the party should really serve its purpose.

After the logistics person left the room, father cleared his throat. “Eric, your Queen and I think that you should be definite tonight after the ball about who your bride will be. You need an heir.”

They smiled and held each other’s hand, as if convincing me that what he told me had to happen. I nodded and forced a grin. I rolled my eyes to Reia who smirked triumphantly.

“Reia, you should as well search for a prince who suits you,” father added.

I chuckled silently. Reia nodded and tried to smile as well. I raised my brow when she looked at me.

The logistics person came back and informed us that we need to stand by the door to the throne hall. We all stood and all the men in the family offered our hand to guide our muses for the night. It was difficult to move on from what was expected of me that night: to find a princess. I hoped that would be so  easy.

🛡️ 🛡️ 🛡️

Author's notes:

I dedicate this to my friend RR,
who did not hesitate to help me
and to his friend GL-
you've been very helpful
and you two are
absolutely inspiring me.

Two Hearts Two Kingdoms (completed but still editing) Where stories live. Discover now