10. Princess Maia Of Escotto

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🛡️ ERIC 🛡️

I stood by the window in my room where I could clearly see Jean on his horse getting further away. He had to be home: that was all I knew. I did not ever talk to him for days since Alexios got close with him.

My pride won. It wasn’t for the best for us. Maybe it was better because it wouldn’t be difficult for my duty.

Even though Jean stayed in my room, he was taken away from me inch by inch, and I could not do anything about it. It was just sane to let go of the need to be always by his side, which I never felt for anyone before. Oh, how I missed being too close to him, even if I showed him otherwise, he still tried to be. His strong princely armor was but soft-hearted and passionate when he was with me.

When he was being taken away literally by a horse, I couldn’t do anything about it or even say that I would like him to stay here with me–– that was how undeserving I was of his attention.

After work, the day that Jean left, Alexios told me that he would like to talk in private. He led me to the right wing garden overlooking the way to Anbeia, where Jean headed to.

“I love Jean as a friend. Do you love him?”

I could not answer him. I could not talk nor move my fingers.

“You can’t even answer me.” He chuckled. “I am sad for my dear friend. Aren’t you gonna do something to make him go back to you? I clearly took him away from you.” He said friend.

I could not still comprehend what he was telling me. I could not comment for I did not trust him.

“You don’t trust me. But Jean do.” His eyes glittered with compassion I had not seen from him ever. “I know your responsibilities, we aren’t so much alike. I know you are hesitant to show him any affection because of your duties. Don’t be.” He didn’t make sense.

“I am crown prince of a leading kingdom,” I reminded him.

“I care more for your people, believe me.”

“Then why are you telling me this?”

“Unhappy monarch, unhappy people. That is what I knew from my parents, and from your father, His Majesty.”

“You.” I was about to get mad but he has a point, my family was happy. “I am expected to have an heir.”

“Then be the King who will pass his crown to a nephew, or even a niece. That isn’t short than having your own child as heir. Just have them raised well. You have many siblings and you can definitely pass that responsibility of having an heir to them.”

“What if the people don’t want a King who loves a man?”

“That’s their choice now, not yours.”

“It shall be my choice.”

“Then choose. But not to choose to love yourself to be able to love your people? Please. That’s too difficult.”

“I can do what I wish?”

“You’re so willing to sacrifice your happiness but how will that mean for your people? You have to expect them to sacrifice that much as well: that would not be a very happy reign for me. If you wanted your people to be happy, they should be happy for your unselfish wish.”

“It was unselfish?”

He did not talked for a moment, he let me process the thoughts. I thought that he was right. I could do all this for my people.

“Don’t ruin your relationship with him because you are the crown prince. I still hate you but I truly love my friend.”

“Thank you for that.”

I was happy that Jean got Alexios as a friend. From then on, I started to understand that not all the nobles are selfish and some are really there to serve others.

After that talk, we headed to our rooms to get changed for dinner.

Just before Alexios touched the door knob to his room, he said, “if you really liked my brother, you should go to him and tell him everything as soon as possible. There isn’t any other time to do that but on his birthday as a gift.” He winked after, I smiled.

🌺 🌺 🌺

Three days after Jean left for Anbeia, the rest of my family and the Escottos arrived together at Becan, they planned to spend days there before heading to Anbeia for the gathering of the alliance.

Unfortunately, my father asked me to bond more with Maia as he considered her as a good future queen for our kingdom. I would love to hang out with her but not to date her as my future wife.

Being compliant to father, after our first dinner all together, I went to Maia just before they leave the throne hall.

I bowed. “Good evening, Princesses.”

The princesses of Escotto curtsied.

“Can I have a moment with Princess Maia?”

“Of course.” Maia looked to her sisters.

“Come on.” Coleen, the eldest of them curtsied so the other two princesses followed. Palace guards opened the door and the princesses waved and walked away.

“Hi, Eric,” Maia greeted.

I smiled. “Let’s go outside?” I offered my hand to her, which she gladly accepted.

“You do know that Father asked me to spend time with you while we’re all together, don’t you?”

“I do. I actually do. His Majesty talked with me a while ago. I guess we’re being paired up now.”

“They, especially Reia, want you to be the future Queen.” I looked at her, she nodded. “Can we talk about this properly tomorrow?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“Great! Do you want to explore the woods just east of the castle with me. I promise you it isn’t scary.”

She nodded. “I’d love to. You’re with me so I won’t be afraid.” She smiled bashfully.

“After our work?”

“Yes. Sure. You know I love those places.”

I invited her back into the palace.

🌺 🌺 🌺

The next day, Maia and I talked as the birds chirped while the horses’ hooves tapped on dirt and pebbles as they galloped through the forest. The scent of pines calmed me down.

“You’re a great person, Maia.”

“Thanks. I missed those times when we were at the academy.”

“Me too. We’re invincible those days, no one could stop us.”

“Reia is brave and wise. You’re intelligent and passionate.”

“You’re kind and very understanding. We’re a great team.”

“I know you’ll be a good ruler someday.”

“You think so?”

“Yes, why not? You’re talented. Adorable. Funny. Wise. You’re so wise that I feel secured whenever I am with you and Reia back in the academy.”

“I am very happy as well when I was with you and Princess Reia in the academy. I missed those days and she is the wise one.”

“And that! You don’t ever missed your formalities whoever you are speaking with.” She nodded several times while smiling. “Even in informal setting, you’re always proper.” She rolled her eyes then we laughed.

That’s what I loved in her the most: she was true to what she says. She’s caring, elegant, and brave.

“Do you remember that time when Princess,” I rolled my eyes, “Reia and you, fought for me when the Waiha Prince Kai bullied me for being so timid and nice?”

“Yeah. Of course. Even if he had so many friends with him because he was one of the cool guys, they’re just a bunch of jerks: I had courage. That was because I saw how fierce and how ready to kill your sister was. I love her!”

And that was so much adorable of Maia. She was ready to defend me, even if I wasn’t related to her, we’re good friends.

“I was not really confident that time with my fighting skills. I felt it wasn’t enough for me to defeat them plus they are many, so I opt to remain silent and just be passive. But when Reia knew, wow, she just stood up and was ready to fight for me. They dare try me now.”

“Oh, the guts! Are you sure?”

“Of course. We can demonstrate that one of these days. I’ll ask Alexios or George to fight with me, may it be fencing or karate.”

She smiled as if she really admired me. She stopped her horse so I also did and gestured for my help to alight from her. I went down. She looked me in the eye as I supported her waist while she dismount from her horse.

“I like you. I’d love to be in the team to defend Thales and Escotto together again,” she told me.

She got wrong hints about everything.

It was difficult to talk, but I managed. “I like you, Princess Maia. But I am not the prince for you.”

“Oh.” She moved away from me but looked me in the eye.

“I’m sorry. I am here to talk to you about something else.”

Two Hearts Two Kingdoms (completed but still editing) Where stories live. Discover now