20. Take Me

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After the first general meeting of the joint councils, Lyra came to me.

“We should talk.”

I nodded. I saw Jean looked at us then raced towards the door.

She headed out and I followed her to an empty chamber.

“I don’t know what is wrong with Jean.”

What is she saying?

“More unusual is Father agreed with him.” She seemed to be thinking really deep. “He wants to represent father in the war, instead of father fighting. I know he is well trained, but I still worry. I don’t know the reason behind, and I know you two are very close. Do you have any idea?”

I have. But I can’t tell her. “I can’t think of any reason for him to do that.”

My heart broke. I knew then what was on his mind.

“Can you talk to him? He wouldn’t tell me.”

“I will try. I’ll tell you as soon as I knew his reason.”

“Thank you.” She hugged me.

That was awkward, but I patted her back and head.

💮 🏰 💮

Three days since Lyra told me the news and I still had to talk to Jean. He avoided me very well. He was replaced by Lyra on the Alliance Affairs. Lyra and I talked about it several times but I can’t get hold of him, the battle was several towns away beyond St. William. He was there, and I didn’t know what was happening to him.

That morning, just after breakfast before we went to our offices, Alexios came in the chamber after he knocked. We shared the room at St. William’s Fort.

“I have a news for you.”

I stared blankly at him, my soul felt away from any matter but Jean.

“It’s Jean.”

My interest sparked. “What about him?”

“What happened to you two? May I know from you?”

“He wanted me to cancel my engagement with Lyra, so that we can be together instead.”

“That fool. He was being the hero of the kingdoms now.”

My heart sank. My tears welled up my eyes. “What’s happening?”

Alexios shouted. “He is fighting up the front lines. Every soldier was pumped up because of his energy, they said.”

My tears ran down my face. “What is he.” I sat on the edge of the bed, my face sank on my hands. “What is he thinking?”

I can’t tell, but I could know and ask him. Still, I knew I could do nothing.

“He may be proving something to me.”

“If you really loved Jean, then follow your heart. The crown is just a position anyone can occupy, but your heart isn’t. It is something which beats for only one person. So go there and search for him and get him back to us.”

I hurried to the stables, got on my horse, and raced to the battle zone.

What Alexios told me played in repeat on my head.

...follow your heart. The crown is just a position anyone can occupy, but your heart isn’t...

I searched for Jean to the officers stationed with the frontlines. He was doing a sniper job which is extremely near the front. I hesitated at first to go to him, But I cannot take this any further. He was in danger.

So I hopped down the horse, I asked a soldier to take care of her, then ran to the conflict zone, without any armor.

And there he was. Yards away from the enemies lines, shooting down Pojan soldiers.

I ducked down to him, I dismissed his partner, and assisted him.

“What are you doing here?”

“Do your job. We’ll talk later.”

“You can’t be here.”

“Do your job! Your comrades will die.”

He shot, one after the other. Until the enemy retreated and Jean has to reposition.

“Let’s talk.”

“About what?”

I headed to an officer.

“Captain, kindly replace Prince Jean for now, I need to talk to him.”

“I will, Prince Eric.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

“My pleasure.”

I faced Jean. “Please, follow me.”

He followed me, we walked silently to the stables and rode horses to a nearby woods, desolate of people.

I hopped down the horse and tied their ropes to a tree. Jean alighted as well.

“Please rest. You need it.”

He did as I said: he sat, his back leaning on a tree trunk.

He drank water from a bottle in his bag. He took it away after.

Then he leaned his head to the trunk.

I did sat as well beside him.

He seemed to be very tired. I thought, he might have taken it that my duty was more important than him. That I love him less because I could not select him over my crown. It might be better for him to sacrifice his life in the front lines than to be betrayed like that. I’m a jerk to let him feel that.

My tears flowed, like a spring.

He opened his eyes. He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears with his thumbs. I missed him. His touch calmed me, made me serene. My worries and my heartaches gone.

“Promise me you’ll not do that again, Jean.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t want you to be hurt like this.”

“I’m sorry as well. I never imagined you’ll think like that. You’re most important for me.”

“I’m sorry. But I’ll go back there if you can’t take me as your husband.”

I chuckled, shoved him.

“We will find a way.”


I nodded. He hugged me tight and cried like a child. I shushed him. It felt right. This decision feels a lot less forced and more like what I really wanted. Given that I need to sacrifice our crowns and maybe our families, but to be with him feels what I needed more than anything.

He pulled from the hug and kissed me.

Two Hearts Two Kingdoms (completed but still editing) Where stories live. Discover now