Chapter 49 : Bulkas Mountain Range (3).

Start from the beginning


The Armor Monkey’s screech became clearer as it neared Hyrkan.


At the same time, the sound of the mace cutting the air sounded out. The mace seemed to want to crush Hyrkan’s head. Even in face of such a terrifying attack, Hyrkan did not flinch in the slightest, and simply twisted his body to the side as the mace neared him.


The mace passed by Hyrkan’s eyes.



It landed on the ground along with the Armor Monkey. The Armor Monkey’s eyes seemed to flash in surprise as if to say ‘you dare dodge my attack?’

The Armor Monkey got even more enraged and sought to make its next attack. It turned its head towards Hyrkan and showed its teeth.


However, before the Armor Monkey could even take a glimpse of Hyrkan, Hyrkan had already moved to kick his head like a soccer ball.


This time, the Armor Monkey let out a pained cry as it fell to the side. Watching the Armor Monkey through the hahoe mask, Hyrkan shouted out with a frown.

“From here, I will show you all how to screw with… I mean, how to hunt an Armor Monkey.”

It was the announcement of an Armor Monkey’s death… no, torture.


[You obtained the title, ‘First to Discover the Armor Monkey.]

As soon as the fight ended, Hyrkan stared at the corpse of the Armor Monkey on the ground.

It was a monster that had greatly annoyed him.

If it was the past, it would have ended with a bit of lashing out. However, the current Hyrkan was different.

‘What if I use this guy as material for Skeleton Fragment?’

It was a habit that had developed after becoming a necromancer.

What monster should I use as material? It was a question he always asked.

In reality, up to now, he had put his focus on sheer battle power. When he was making a Skeleton Warrior, he sought to make one that fought the best. The next thing he looked for was image. It looked the best when all Skeleton Warriors looked the same. For someone who was making a living making videos, it made sense that such a thing was so high in priority.

At the same time, having the same type of Skeleton Warriors was beneficial in most battles. Most necromancers used a defense-first attack-second strategy. In such a fight, it was important for the Skeleton Warriors to move fixedly like a machine. For machines, it was, of course, best to use the same type of parts.

However, Hyrkan’s mind had changed recently. Even if there were more Skeleton Warriors he could use, the amount he could use to attack a single monster was limited. Although he would need more when hunting large-type boss monsters, such a battle wasn’t rare.

Most importantly, the Skeleton Fragment skill itself gave a huge selection of materials.

As long as he wanted to, he could make as many Skeleton Fragment as he wanted. It wasn’t hard to retrieve a Skeleton Fragment either. When a Skeleton Warrior was destroyed, he just had to clench his fist and say ‘retrieve.’ Then, the Skeleton Fragment would return to his hand.

He didn’t need to use the same material, and he could freely change the material he used as long as his cooldown and magic power allowed it.

In other words, he could make a group of Skeleton Warriors of various types.

In a war, variety meant increased utility.

Watching the Armor Monkey melting into an ice-cream, Hyrkan couldn’t help but wonder.

‘How should I use this guy?’

Hyrkan. He was now thoroughly becoming a necromancer.

“Well, I’ll first make it into a Skeleton Warrior and bully it a bit. You dare make fun of me. You won’t die so easily.”

Of course, his personality was the same as ever.


When the Corrupt Count died, a new era began.

In face of this new era, those who made Warlord their career once again began charging straight ahead. A new era, a new stage, a new content… everyone was on the same start line.

For the Top 30 Guilds that failed to kill the Corrupt Count, it was a chance for them to be in the spotlight. For the guilds that weren’t part of the Top 30 Guilds but were still large enough to rival them, it was a chance to steal the Top 30 Guilds’ live channels and make a name for themselves.

It was the start of a war.

And what the most important thing in this war was to bring as much attention to themselves as possible.

All ways and means were used.

Some leaked a scandal between a beautiful female Ranker and a handsome male Ranker, some declared wars against other guilds, and some leaked weaknesses of other guilds.

However, what stood out the most were not gossips like these.

“Ugo Sanchez reached level 30 in just 38 days. As expected of The Machine’s Rank 3 player. Untalented players couldn’t hit level 30 even with 100 days… isn’t this level up speed a new record?”

“Did you watch Rony Jackson’s new hunting video? It was no joke. I’ve never seen someone at level 20 fight like that. I’ll bet once Rony Jackson grows up a bit more, he wouldn’t lose in a PvP against the Rankers. Although PvE is important, he’s a true monster when fighting against players.”

New, rising stars. They were currently the ones who received the most attention in Warlord.

In particular, Rankers from other VR games who transferred over received the most attention. Someone had made a Rookie Rankings, which received just as much attention as the Top 100 Rankings.

A war had begun for these rookies to become the super rookie that stood above all others.

In the middle of this war…

“Did you watch that video? The Armor Monkey video. It’s a new monster, but there’s already a hunting guide on it.”

“A hunting guide for a new monster? You probably need to pay for it, right?”

“No, it’s free.”

“Someone released a new monster hunting guide for free? Who? What guild?”

“It wasn’t a guild, but a person… someone in a weird getup with a strange mask. What was his name again…”

“A person? What’s his class?”



Hahoe Mask Hyrkan. His name was starting to reach out to all corners of Warlord.

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