True Terror

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Flynn and Akame walked back into the garage. He noticed that Jenny and Saki were sitting at one of the lawn tables that he scavenged from the junkyard. He sighed in annoyance before he walked over to his laptop and sat down on the bench.

"What do you have, VEGA?" He asked the AI that was downloaded into the machine. A few moments went by in silence before the AI spoke. "I have located the missing files regarding the case of Mrs. Yoshida. From my scans, I have deduced that there will multiple cops that have to do with her past." VEGA replied. 

At the mention of her name, Saki perked up and glanced over to the area where Flynn sat. Steeling her nerves, The pregnant woman stood up and walked over to the Marine. "Why.. are you looking into my life?" She asked barely above a whisper. Flynn raised an eyebrow at her sudden time to talk. He usually saw the girl flinching at anyone who came to her side. 

"You all had a past with the Eight Precepts. I need to know every last detail about their higher ups. Quirks, Finances, Politics. I need it all." Flynn replied to the girl who stood in silence. She was about to reply until VEGA spoke again.

"I have scanned through the files and who were the last to access them until they were deleted. The last person to access the police reports of Mrs. Yoshida's case was detective Akira Watanabe of the Hosu City police force. His son, is this man here. Hayato Watanabe." VEGA replied as an image of the boy appeared on screen.

At the sight of the man, Saki went completely pale and shook in regret and fear. Flynn noticed this and sighed. "You know him, Don't you." He demanded to the dark skinned girl. Saki took a few minutes to compose herself before she looked into the Marines eyes. "I... He was..... the reason I ended up here.... I gave everything to him.... and.... and..." She whimpered, tears were beginning to fall out her eyes. Akame walked over and gave the girl a strong hug. Saki didn't resist and cried into the girls shoulders while Flynn growled. If this was the bastard that made the girl end up as a prostitute, Then both of the fuckers would be begging for death after he was done with them.

Pushing his anger away for a moment, He looked back at the computer screen. "Any idea where I can find this prick." He growled out through clenched teeth. "At the moment, I am unable to locate Hayato's phone signal. He may well be in America at the moment like the late Obata had confirmed. His father's phone signal was last noted in this location in the western prefecture of Musutafu. The home of Hiroto Yoshida and his wife, Hari. This is also one of the semen traces I have detected in her body." VEGA finished.

At the mention of her father, Saki flinched in fear. She still remembered the night her father came home.. The night he was drunk... The night he violated her. The night her mother called her ungrateful. That she was nothing but a useless whore.

Flynn on the other hand, saw barely keeping his rage in check. How fucking pathetic can a man be to rape his own daughter.  You're own flesh and blood. Having a child is suppose to be one of joy and happiness, to hold them in your arms and protect them as best you can from the world. To watch them grow. 

But these two sorry excuses for parents? Fuck that. The factory can wait. He needed to pay a visit to these two chuckle fucks.

He looked over to Akame and snarled. "Give me every. last. detail. About that factory." He growled out as he stepped from the stool and began to put his armor on. Akame and Saki flinched when they heard the unbridled rage in his voice. "The factory... is in the eastern prefecture...  it's where one of Overhaul's men runs the quirk business. They study... Torture and reverse engineer quirks there.. Its where I got this." She slowly raised her forearms to Flynn who noticed the horribly disfigured appendages. 

"They also... make it a stop to process new people... for Hayato's sex ring. It may look abandoned.... But you will need to go find the elevator.... Thats where everything is...." Saki whimpered as she remembered him talking about the building. "Got it. Now." He spoke as he slipped on the boots and gauntlets, followed by the chestplate and back armor.

 Slayer Of Villains (Doom x My Hero Academia Crossover) *CURRENTLY BEING EDITED Where stories live. Discover now