Just Another Day In The Office

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Izuku Midoriya was puzzled.

No. Puzzled would describe Tenya Iida not doing his signature hand chop motions.

Puzzled would describe a day were Katsuki Bakugo didn't swear for ten minutes.


Izuku Midoriya was flat on confused.

It started a week after the events of the USJ attack. A new vigilante on the rise in southern Musutafu. A man with an unknown quirk that murders his targets. He had searched the internet constantly for news about the mysterious person with  The only image he was able to find was blurry, most likely taken on a cellphone. The image showed a dark green humanoid on a rooftop, the helmet looking down on the person who took the picture with the dark clouds split above him and the full moon behind him.

He had wondered on numerous occasions why the heroes haven't caught the vigilante yet. He knew that the laws on Vigilantism is not only outlawed, but highly looked down upon due to the vigilantes getting in the way of the pros. Until recently, He had thought that the Heroes would catch this person and bring him to justice. However, given the events reported on the news last night, he doubted the vigilante will show anytime soon.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he finally arrived at All Might's office. Earlier today, All Might had asked for him to meet him in his office during lunch. Normally, he would of guessed it had to deal with One for All. However, seeing Detective Tsukauchi  behind him made him question the probability of the meeting.

Steeling his nerves, Izuku knocked on the door, looking around his surroundings as he waited for his teacher to open the door. It didn't take long for All Might to answer the door, wearing an oversized Blue suit with a red tie due to him already being in his weakened form.

"Young Midoriya, Please. Come in." The deep yet tired voice of Toshinori Yagi asked as he moved away from the door to allow Izuku to walk inside. All Mights office would be considered spartan in todays standards, only coming with two green three seat couches with a brown mahogany coffee table in the middle. The room itself overlooked the vast training yard in the back of UA High, Followed by the vast endless trees for those wanting to practice Area of Effect or highly combustible quirks in a safe environment. Inside the room, sat Naomasa Tsukauchi  on the right couch, his dark black trench coat and fedora hanging on the coat rack, leaving him in his jet black suit with a red tie, followed by his modified Glock 45 pistols that were holstered underneath his arms.

"Good afternoon Young Midoriya. I apologize for interrupting your lunch but this is something we could not let sit." The detective began as he took the brown envelope on the far side on the couch and slid it on the table towards the greenette. Slightly confused, The hero in training glanced to his idol who only nodded slightly as his gaze was fixated on the envelope. Exhaling a deep breath, Izuku picked up the envelope and opened the package, releasing a slight gasp at the images released.

The same vigilante was the first image he held, taken in a black and white filter that likely came from a security camera. The vigilante was holding a sawed off double barrel shotgun with a meathook underneath. Slowly, he used his left hand and slid the image underneath the others. The second image was taken from a satellite, numerous red dots covered the southern prefecture of Musutafu.

"Yesterday morning, we have received the bodies of three victims from the vigilante. We have determined that two of the victims, Hiroto and Hari Yoshida, have a daughter named Saki Yoshida who has been missing for the past three years." Naomasa continued as Izuku looked over the last images that were inside the folder.

 Slayer Of Villains (Doom x My Hero Academia Crossover) *CURRENTLY BEING EDITED Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat