More Questions than Answers Pt. 1

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It was a hot and humid day in Musutafu as Flynn and Akame parked in the lot across the street from UA. The Slayer looked around the area with narrowed eyes as he watched families walk through the gates where many vendors were selling their goods.

The duo walked through the gates, the sight of pro heroes made the marine growl before he felt a hand grab onto his own. "Try to cheer up will ya?" Akame asked the marine as they walked past a vendor who was selling yakitori. The marine only grunted in response and crossed his arms with a scowl on her face. Akame however, just sighed at the marine's brashness. She was thankful for him saving her, she really was. She just wished that her savior could be a bit more open to her. Even if it was just a tad bit to show he cared for her and the girls back at the garage.

Flynn however, looked around the area with a thoughtful look. If he were being honest, This festival reminded him of the trails he and his people in Argent D'Nur went through to join the Sentinel army. Every man or woman would be obligated to serve at least ten to fifteen years in the Argenta army before they were given the choice to exempt. While the Argenta were a warrior race destined to battle the forces of hell. They were also well known for their near limitless technology, Agriculture, Medicine and  Science. His late wife was one of the best doctors in the Argent D'Nur after she left the army. 

The thought of his wife and child made Flynn's rage to boil. He would never forget their faces, His son's tear stricken face staring back at him for his dad to save him. His wife's brown hair caked in sweat and grime as the Baron of Hell turned them into ash. He couldn't tell his son that everything would be okay. He couldn't hold his wife again. He couldn't here his wife's voice ever again. He couldn't even say goodbye to them.

He couldn't save Aldusa.

He couldn't save Ulric.

He couldn't save Daisy.

He was brought out his thoughts when he felt Akame tap him on the shoulder. "Hm?" He grunted in question to the black haired girl. "I asked if you are okay. You had this really painful and sad look on your face." She asked in concern to the Marine. Quickly, the Slayer put back on the scowl on his face as kissed his teeth in annoyance. "I'm fine." He spat coldly as the duo kept walking around the booths.

Akame didn't believe him. She knew that look perfectly well. She had the same look when she was sold into the Eight Precepts as a sex slave. The cold nights she slept in a cage. The many nights she was violated in her sleep. The nights she was strapped on a table nude, the needles in her skin with her blood being pumped. The burns caused by the experience.

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheh.......... Lookie lookie. The little girl still lives." The sinister, mad voice spoke as she heard the large metal door close with a loud thud. Akame was stapped to a metal table. Her nude body covered in a mixture of bruises and Semen from the last people who were in the room. Tear stained streaks were running from her eyes as she looked at the mad man who stared at her. 

"Please.... please.... let me go...." She whimpered in a hoarse voice to her captor. The man only chuckled as he walked over to a silver table that was outfitted with scalpels, saws, acid and scissors. "No can do little birdie. You're one of our high products. You wouldn't believe how many clients we have asking for your ass. College, CEO'S, Heroes, Everyone still sees your value for the piece of fuck meat you are." The man spoke before letting out a deranged chuckle.

Akame whimpered as she looked at the dark red figure. He wore a white Armani suit with a red button up shirt and a white tie. She couldn't see the face of her captor due to it hiding from the shadows. She heard the man chuckle once again followed by the scrapes of the scalpel and the squeak of the a jar being grabbed. 

 Slayer Of Villains (Doom x My Hero Academia Crossover) *CURRENTLY BEING EDITED Where stories live. Discover now