More Questions than Answers Pt 2.

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Akame and Ryuku walked down the hallways on the third floor of the stadium. The walls were a pristine white with an expensive red carpet decorating the ground. She still felt nervous around the heroes. Her skin crawling and her heart beat going at an elevated pace as she walked pass Edgeshot and Ms. Joke. 

"So, how long have you known him?" Came the voice of Ryukyu as they turned another right and continued to walk down the hallway. Akame didn't answer at first before she looked to the dragon hero. "Just... a couple of days." She replied quietly to the hero who only raised an eyebrow. 

"You seem really close to him though if you just known him for a couple of days." She commented with a smile on her face. Akame flinched but looked down to her forearms and rubbed the third degree burns. "Yeah.. Let's just say he helped me out in more ways he could think of." She whispered. 

The dragon hero noticed the way she spoke and rubbed the horribly burnt forearms. It was if Akame was trying to avoid the subject. Not wanting to push the girl away any further, The dragon hero decided to drop the subject all together.

After the last turn, they came across the metal door with the sound of music from the stadium leaking through. The dragon themed hero opened the door and what greeted Akame shocked her. It was a lavish room that overlooked the stadium ground. There was a bar with multiple drinks such as scotch, Vodka and whiskey as well as Coca Cola, Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper. 

"It isn't much but make yourself at home." She said to the girl who looked like a kid in a candy store. Ryukyu walked over to the bar and looked over the wide assortment of drinks. "What do you want to drink?" She asked as she poured herself a small drink of scotch.

"Should you really be drinking?" Akame asked to the dragon hero who just let out a small giggle. "It may look like it. But I'm actually scouting for new recruits and off duty today. Just looking the part in case the reporters find me or God forbid a Villain shows up." She replied to the dark haired girl before taking a sip of her scotch. 

"Then... I'll take a Pepsi then." She hesitantly spoke to the dragon hero who nodded and tossed her a can. Akame cracked the can open and took a sip before sitting on one of the many chairs in the room with Ryukyu sitting beside her. 

"This will be very hard for me to do. UA's First years have an amazing amount of potential." Ryukyu spoke as she watched the last remaining citizens file into their seats with the count down reaching thirty seconds.

"Who is there that shows the most?" asked Akame to the Blonde. Ryukyu hummed a bit in thought before snapping her fingers. "Well there is Endeavors son, Shoto Todoroki. His quirk is very versatile in both offensive and defensive measures. Then you also have Katsuki Bakugou, Tenya Iida and Momo Yaoyorozu. They seem fine with perfect quirks... but I don't know... I'm missing some thing." She replied to Akame.

Akame nodded before watching the jumbotrons clock reach zero, followed by the loud voice of Present Mic in the speakers. Akame looked down in her pocket and felt the small button, hoping she didn't need to use it.


If he were being honest, Flynn didn't like the idea of broadcasting the Sports Festival across the world. If these were the future pro heroes that were going to take the mantle to protect their fellow man. Then doing this would already put them at a major disadvantage. A quite possibly lethal disadvantage as well. 

By broadcasting the event, it gave future and already known villains a chance to study their powers and work to counteract their abilities. For example, If a kid's quirk dealt with short ranged attacks, their opponent would simply keep their distance from them. If another's quirk tired them out easily, their opponent would just wait until they are exposed and kill them. 

 Slayer Of Villains (Doom x My Hero Academia Crossover) *CURRENTLY BEING EDITED Where stories live. Discover now