Mommy Dearest

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Two Years Ago


"Piper." I shout toward her retreating back. I want to chase her but Nicole is yanking me back by the arm. I turn around and she shoves me aggressively.

"Why did you invite me here?" She questions and continues to shove me. "How long has this been going on?" She continues to shout. "The entire summer? Longer?"

I run my fingers through my dark hair as Nicole continues to shout at me. She's upset—she has every right to be— "I thought you loved me." She cries. "Why did you invite me here, Delilah?" She punches my upper arm.

"—because you kept pressuring me." I finally snap. Nicole's eyes widen. "You won't let me breathe. I thought inviting you here would make everything make sense but I'm confused, Nicole—Piper is my best-friend and—I-I," I pause. "—I don't want to lose her." Nicole's eyes narrow. "I didn't know how Piper felt until this summer, Nicole. I swear."

"—and now?" Nicole pushes.

"I don't know." I reply sadly looking away.

Nicole clenches her jaw and shoves me one last time, "If you don't leave with me tomorrow then I will know who you chose—" She squeezes her fist. "It's either me or her." Nicole brushes past me and I try to stop her but she shoves me away. I scream into the night air as my anxiety goes through the roof.

I didn't know what to do.

I hurry up the hill and thankfully run into Lily. She could help me make this right. I touch her shoulder and she turns around with a deadly stare.

"Do you know where Piper went—

"—No." She cuts me off in anger. I arch my eyebrow in shock. "I have my own fucking problems." Before I can say anything more Lily is grabbing my phone and desperately trying to call someone—she then calls an Uber and we are heading back to the cabin.

The ride is silent. I touch Lily's shoulder softly—she looked nervous and devastated. "Are you okay?" I question.

"Just leave me alone, Delilah."

I sink into the seat, fold my arms, and clench my jaw to force the tears to stop. Tonight is a complete disaster. I unlock my phone and try calling Piper but her phone goes straight to voice-mail. I mentally practice a speech in my head. I can fix this—I need to fix this.

However, once we arrive at the cabin. Piper is gone.

"Where did she go?" I question Rose who is currently sitting on the couch mouth full of chips with her main focus on the TV. "Rose." I snap.

"What?" She finally looks at me. "She's your best-friend—she didn't tell you? She's at Zoe's—you were right about that Jacob boy. He broke up with her at the firework show. Where the hell have you been?" She pauses and rolls her eyes. "Up Nicole ass—speaking of, where is your girl-friend—"

I choose to walk away and the last thing I hear is Rose mumbling, "Great friend you are." She doesn't know how hard that hits me to the core. I grab my keys and rush out the door before getting into my Mustang and speeding down the road. I grab my phone and try redialing Piper again but her phone is still going to voicemail. I then try Zoe—it rings and then she's rejecting my call before blocking me.


After, a full hour of speeding down the back road and hopping on the highway—I finally make it to the city. I try calling Piper again but she's not answering. I send her a text—that I'm outside and will wake everyone up if she won't talk to me—she knows I'm serious. I chew on my bottom lip and wait patiently. I can see the upstairs light turning on and then the front door slowly opening. I inhale and exhale prepared to give the speech I practiced for a full hour in the car.

Two Weeks of Freaking Out About YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon