Taco Tuesdays

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I jump when I hear the door to the house being slammed. Aiden pauses from eating the popcorn and moves his head to glance at the front door from the couch. "Couldn't convince Piper to stay?" He questions. "I'll cuddle with you—

"Shut up, dick head." Delilah shouts. "Or I'll punch you in the face."

Aiden gasps and says, "Please— not this beautiful face. God took his time with me."

Delilah rolls her eyes and smacks the popcorn bowl out of Aiden's hand making it go everywhere.

"What is your problem?" I hiss pausing the vampire diaries marathon Aiden wanted to watch. I was not a fan but it made him shut up for a long period of time.

"Nicole is Piper's roommate."

"Nicole, your cute ex Nicole that you left Piper for and moved to Mexico just to get dumped, Nicole." Aiden picks popcorn off his lap and pops it in his mouth. Delilah and I eye him and he shrugs, "Jacob told me everything."

"Why are you here?" Delilah scowls.

"Why would I be anywhere else?" Aiden questions. "So, what she's gonna do? Find another roommate?"

"No." Delilah scowls. "Nicole said some shit about her being a spoiled brat so to prove a fucking point—Piper is going to stick it out for a semester."

"Shit." Aiden says. "You're fucked."

"I know." Delilah whines. "I couldn't even tell Piper to chill without her making it about me taking Nicole's side."

"Piper will calm down. It's not like she has anything to worry about." I speak—inserting myself into the conversation.

There is a long pause before Delilah is snapping out of her thoughts. Aiden places another popcorn in his mouth while giving Delilah an odd and questionable stare. He then swallows and mutters, "Damn. You're double fucked."

Delilah throws a pillow at Aiden's head and then storms up the steps slamming the door.

Aiden cleans the mess and asks, "Want more popcorn?"

Delilah is nowhere to be found the next morning. I do not have time to question her disappearance. She is probably with Piper. The first day of classes is always a drag. Mostly, it consists of reviewing the syllabus that I've already been over prior. Later, I meet Aiden at the WE headquarters—I escort him to the inside and toward the top level. He looks confused and says, "Um—when you said something about a job. I figured you meant at a local diner or something."

I shrug, "I think you're better at this—plus, this position is paying your tuition." We walk through another glass door and Aiden's eyes widen at all the employees dressed wonderfully running around to get things done. I smile. "—you're going to be Austin's assistant. He needs someone to handle his demands and the workload."

I push another glass door open and we enter Austin's office. He looks up and almost spits his coffee onto the table but his hand catches it. "Today is not April the 1st, is it?" He grabs a napkin to clear the coffee from his hands. "What will I do with him? I need someone who knows fashion, Lily."

Aiden looks down at himself offended. "I really put thought into this—

"Come on." I pout. "You promised. Plus, the internship is taking care of his tuition. I know you heard about what his father did—" My voice drops to a low whisper even though I'm sure Aiden can still hear me.

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