Complicated Conversations

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I walk into the dorm after another long day of running all over campus for classes. It's been weeks and I still get lost in the art department. I'm not sure who's idea was to design the classroom in such a confusing manner. Sam says it is to show off its creativity and the main focus is a maze—that's stupid but whatever. I throw my bag onto the floor and literally dive into my bed instantly passing out.

I wake up in fright and notice that the moon has replaced the sun. I reach for my phone and notice it's nine at night. I check my phone and there are missed calls from mom and Delilah. I text Delilah back letting her know I fell asleep and I'm just going to stay here for the night. It did not make sense for me to drive to her house just to go back to sleep. Plus, waking up at the crack of dawn just to make it across town was starting to get to me.

My stomach suddenly begins to growl. I stretch and head down the hall into the kitchen. I groan annoyed when I notice the two.

"Hey, Piper." Grace waves.

There's books and notes sprawl all over the table. Nicole looks up and the frown on her face matches mine.

"Figured you weren't here." Nicole slams her book shut. "Let's go to the common area, Grace."

I ignore her and head toward the fridge and notice that I have not been here enough to buy groceries. I exhale and pull out my phone to have something delivered and head back to my room slamming the door behind me.

It takes forever for the food to come but finally someone is knocking on the door and delivering pizza. I step out into the hall and Nicole is passed out on the couch and Grace is still at the table looking over notes. Grace looks up when I bring the pizza in. I place it on the stove and take a slice right out of the box. I moan when I bite into it.

Food always puts me in a better mood so I'm not shocked when I strike up a conversation and it's not like Grace has done anything wrong.

"What are you guys studying?"

"Bio—" Grace smiles.

I cringe at the thought.

Grace shrugs her shoulder and fixes the glasses on her face. "It's really not that bad."

"I've never been a science fan but my girlfriend sister Lily is all into that shit." I grab another slice. "My friend June too. Do you want a slice?"

"Sure." Grace places her notes down and grabs a slice.

"So, what's your department?" She questions.

"Art." I cringe at hearing myself.

"Cool." Grace smile.

"Yeah. I'm thinking of going into the business of selling and trading rare pieces."

"Not sure how that works but it sounds cool." Grace takes a bite out of her pizza. "Are you an artist?"

"I dabble here and there but I'm not exceptional. However, I have a good eye."

Grace smiles, "Well. It's good to see you doing something you love and not suffering like Nicole and me."

"Yeah." I scowl at the name. "Well. I'm going to go to bed. I have an early class."

"I understand. Thanks for the pizza."

"No problem."

I head back into my room. I watch some TV before falling asleep. The next night is mostly the same. Nicole falls asleep and Grace and I have a light conversation over food. This time it is take-out from a famous Chinese place down the street.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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