Mr. Thorn

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I pull the pillow over my head as the alarm blares loudly. I reach for the stupid phone and place it on snooze for the fifth time. Finally, moments later there is a soft knock on my door and I know it is Sam. This is officially week two of me getting up at the crack of dawn to help Mrs. Johnson with her summer garden. I roll out of bed with a grunt and throw on a pair of old jeans, a band-shirt, and a pair of old converses that my mom loathes. I brush my teeth and then meet Sam downstairs who is currently drinking a steaming cup of coffee.

"I hate this as much as you do." Sam tells me.

I roll my eyes, "—yeah sure. I will be up all day. You'll come back and sleep."

Sam shrugs, "I hate mornings, buddy. Trust me. It's either me or your mom."

I choose not to respond.

Sam takes me to breakfast before dropping me off at Mrs. Johnson's house. It's not even six a.m. yet. I should be sleeping in and getting up whenever before hitting the pool and partying all night before classes start in the Fall.

But nope—here I am being punished for being in love.

Mrs. Johnson meets me at the front door and even though I currently hate my parents for doing this to me. I can't bring myself to hate Mrs. Johnson. She guides me to the garden and it is actually peaceful to see her work and watch the sunrise. She hums a gentle tune and I get so lost in the job that I don't even notice we are almost done with the garden.

"You're doing a fine job, child." Mrs. Johnson says. "Once you are done raking the leaves, you are free to go. I'll go bake you and your mother some cookies."

"Yes, ma'am." I grin. Already in a better mood. It is only ten a.m. meaning I could probably sneak in a nap before heading to the WE headquarters to meet mom. I head to the backyard and enter a shed to find the rake and black garbage bags. As I'm reaching up to grab the rake someone hand covers my mouth—I scream and then tense as someone whispers in my ear, "Shh—"

I turn and push Delilah away from me with a scowl, "You scared the shit out of me." I hiss in a low tone. I peek out the side window of the shed to make sure Mrs. Johnson is still in the house. "Delilah, you need to leave. This could possibly be my last day. I don't want to get in any more trouble."

Delilah pouts and as I always I cave as she approaches me and pulls me in a passionate kiss. Her tongue slides its way into my mouth and I hum gratefully. "I missed you." She whispers against my lips before attaching her lips to my neck and sucking, "I'm always thinking about you—about our night together. I can only go so long with touching myself—

I shudder and then order while my hand pulls her dark tresses, "Don't leave a mark."

She runs her tongue over the bite and then pushes me towards the wooden counter before lifting me and sliding between my legs. Everything becomes hot quickly and I can feel Delilah's breath on my skin and her fingers sneaking their way underneath my shirt and bra. She squeezes my breast and she knows me well because she attaches her lips to mine to shut out the moan that releases out my mouth. I desperately try to find some type of friction and Delilah gets the hint because she's moving her thigh between my leg. But, it's not enough. It's only a tease.

Soon, I'm pushing her away.

"We can't—" I whisper before placing a soft kiss on her lips. "—not here."

Delilah groans annoyed but step back. I give her a bright smile before wrapping my arms around her neck and pulling her in for a hug. "I missed you too."

Two Weeks of Freaking Out About YouWhere stories live. Discover now