I want him to kiss me again even if he is playing me as a Nicole.

“I…” Oh screw talking when there’s so much kissing to be done! His hands rubbed my arms and then stroked my back to pull me closer and I happily olbiged but kept a poker face. I do want to make this clear: “You are the most confusing,” he pecked at the corner of my lips. “Annoying,” he kissed my nose. “Rude,” he kissed both my cheeks leaving a warm redness there for him to smile at. Really smile not the bad boy grin but a sweet adoring grin that made my heart largen in my chest. “Insufferable,” My eyes closed when his lips met my forehead. I’ve always wanted to have that kiss on the forehead moment. It’s not as amazing as they say in the romantic novels. It’s better. “Fustrating,” he kissed both my eyelids and let out a shaky breath my hormones going insane. I’m not entirely sure how I’m holding myself back right now. “What was I saying?”

“That I’m the most fustrating.” He kissed my eyelids again going through what I said backwards so when he came to confusing he kissed my lips passionately. My hands gripped onto his shirt ready to tear it open and do the unimaginable. However I can imagine it and his hands stayed splayed on my back almost afraid to move anywhere else.

Funny how he was so okay of grabbing my butt before but now that I want him to he is a gentleman. I smiled against him with that thought.

He suddenly pulled back and ran his hand through my snow white hair with ardor in his eyes. I don’t think anyone has ever looked at me with that much love in their expression.

Not even my ex best friend.

“Your dad is going to kill me.” He whispered smiling. I pressed my body closer to his and locked my arms around his neck.

“He’ll have to get past me first.”

“Even with the power you have he is much stronger and smarter than you.”

It took me a moment to register who he meant. “Oh that father.” He pressed his forhead against mine then bit onto my lip playfully. Who knew I would leanr to love playful lip biting so much?

“Jelly? Blaz? Where are you?”

“Five more minutes.” He whispered as I struggled to move.

I giggled. “He’s probably getting scared.” I tried getting out of his strong grip but failed immensely which amused him.

“He’s fine.” He leaned in for another kiss but I leaned away attempting to push him back. “I wouldn’t fight me princess.” He said with my hand squashing his perfect face making him look slightly deformed.

“What are you doing to her?” Michael shouted. We snapped our heads to a horrified little boy and I kicked Blaz’s shin so he groaned and stumbled back. I’ll make up for it later.

Ignoring how dirty that sounds…

“Do you uh need anything?” I asked awkwardly.

“Come and see the bear.” He ordered angrily.

“What kind of tone is that?” Oh great I’m going all motherly on him.

His face softened to a sad frown. “Sorry Jelly.”

The bear groaned in the background.

“You better watch your mouth to!” I shouted at him. Blaz wrapped his arm around my waist, of course I’ve never had a guy do this before so I flinched a little biting my lip unsure. My lips are all swollen and the rest of my body is all heated and AH!

Blaz… Blaz is the one?

He couldn’t be right?

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