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🎼"I didn't know we had an attic." I whispered to myself as I stared at the dusty untouched staircase. I'm assuming it's the attic. I've never really been to this part of the house before. Mr Cat sat on the first step piercing his gaze into me. "Well you have me intrigued, lead the way." I said to him and he nodded. I'm getting used to all this abnormal weirdness. Which is bad, I promised myself I would keep away from all this. Take everyone's advice and leave it all in the back of my mind locked safe.
He started pacing up the old wooden stairs and I began to wonder how long it's been since someone has been up here. I'm seriously surprised I didn't discover this place as a child. I made it my job to search for goblins at the age of four, I went everywhere. Upstairs, downstairs and I have never discovered these stairs. Actually this hallway mother did warn me to not come this way and I honestly thought nothing of it. I might have just forgotten about it. Each step I made the staircase creaked creepily and a sudden shiver crawled down my spine. Is it possible that I could die at this very moment?
I reached the very top of this long twisting staircase and... I'm even more frightened then before. And as usual my curiosity overcomes that. The room is like every old, dusty, creepy attic. Only there's nothing up here. Not even unwanted junk. Anything mum and I get bored of we give it to charities. So this is a bit of a disappointment, I don't know what I expected. But nothing is definitely a surprise. It's very large, yes a lot of large nothing except for dusty air. I suddenly sneezed which freaked out Mr Cat and caused him to run into the empty darkness.
"Mr Cat, there's nothing up here. Can I please go back to bed?" Suddenly light shone into the dark room. The cat had pulled away some curtain from the right side of the room. Showing an archway leading to another room. How many rooms do we have in this house? I mentally pictured the goblins running yelling. "Suck on that!" I don't know why this is my way of making fun of this eerie night. "Um... Mr Cat..." I called out.
'Meow' he just appeared in that archway in the wall in the blink of an eye but I made nothing of it. I've seen enough twisted things to just shrug my shoulder. I followed him inside the room stepping over a scarlet curtain that hid this away from my eyes earlier. The light shining up the room came from a little wooden box sitting alone on the floor. I kneeled down in front if it and expected to wake up the second I laid a finger on it. But I stroked the lid with my index finger then grabbed it with both my hands. I breathed in deeply envisioning of what might happen now. What more can I possibly learn from angels? Dark against Light, enemies for God knows how long. And then there's me who sees it all but sees nothing. I'm clueless. Mr Cat rubbed his head against my bare arm then tucked through underneath it to lean on my lap.
"Is it safe?" I asked him still staring at the box.
"I love you little one.." Someone whispered, a feminine voice. And I whipped my head in all directions searching for the it's source.
"That's my girl.." I know that voice.
"William?" I said the same time as that feminine voice. I admired the box again, the light inside shining brighter than before.
"We must leave now.."
"What no!" I yelled out loud then forced the lid open only to be blinded by a powerful white glow. For a few seconds I thought I lost my sight then it died down.
On a red velvet cushion lay a sliver heart shaped necklace, very large and stunning. A amethyst rested in the middle of this heart and glistened, proudly earning my attention, around it is carved in vine like art, and then stuck to bottom of this silver heart is white teardrop shaped pearl
"Spectacular..." I murmured and I gently picked it up holding it in my hand as it continued to glow. Why it glows like this I have no idea but I know it's got something to do with the angels. But why do I find it now in my attic?
"That's my girl." That was William, speaking from the heart. I felt warmth spread through me. I'm supposed to do something with the heart I think. I remember this necklace but I don't... If that makes any sense.
"What do I do?" I asked the cat and attempted to claw at the necklace but I moved it from his reach. "Don't ruin it." He rolled his eyes knocked it out of my hand and attacked it. "Hey! What are you doing!?" I snapped at him and grabbed it from his paws. "I heard their voices. Why am I hearing their voices?" I questioned him but he got into position to attack the necklace again. "No." I stood up and stepped away from him.
"I want to know about it. Not for you to destroy it." I stormed off and the necklace stopped glowing and the room almost went pitch black.
"I'm never going to get back to sleep." I mumble to myself. "This is another clue. But to what!?"
"I don't speak meow. God dammit! I can't keep looking into this." I walked down the stairs back to the hallway then stared at the cat. "But I really want to..."
"You know I bet if you could speak you would have so much wise words to say." I complimented him and smiled up at me. "I have to say, that even though you're a stray a cat. I think I've fallen in love with you." I joked and he stopped hunched over and started shaking. Making these weird sounds. Oh right he's laughing. I looked at the heart in my hand and touched the pearl at the bottom. I felt an electrical shock rush through my body making all these visions form in my mind.
I see the white haired woman Dara and William Dancing but faces covered by masks, I see them hand in hand staring up at sapphire blue dragon. they disappeared showing mythical creatures flying around above a marble city, people with white wings, now people with black wings, fire spreading over a large land of wildlife, I can hear the music playing inside my head. Then I saw Dara on the ground screaming in terror and someone grab her hair, a golden hair man but I can't see his face, then I saw the face of another terror. Evil, pale, blood drooling from his mouth.
I let go and gasped for air. And realised I was crying and kneeling down on my knees.
"What the hell was that?" I whimpered. My nails digging into the hardwood floor. I took deep breaths but the blood was to much for me to handle. "I... I need some air..." I ran down the hallway, all around the house until I reached the front door. From the hook on the wall I pulled off my mother's black woollen long coat and slipped into it. Smelling her Lady Million perfume. But it's not comforting... I stepped outside the door and Mr Cat appeared randomly on the bottom step. "Take me somewhere." I shivered. "Please?" He turned around and started running down around our fountain down the driveway.
"I saw things." I finally said to Mr Cat as we walked along the sidewalk of some street, I've forgotten the name but I don't need to worry. The cat will lead me home. I gulped before continuing on. "I wish you could speak so you could tell me what it all means." I looked down at him as he walked right beside me gazing back up at me. "I'm... I'm a little afraid." I admitted to him then stared up at the sky. It's cloudy tonight and there's a crescent moon. "What I saw is ten times worse then what you have shown me. There was... I saw a face... And... AHHH!" I screamed as a face popped out from around a building. "Bloody hell Blaz!"

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