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From the author... Don't hate me.


🎼My heart raced as I stood at the top of the balcony looking down at the hall where everyone stood. My 'family' if I can still call them that, my classmates the ones I know and don't and the angels. A host or anchor for each side.

A gang of Dark angels I realised were scouting the area while Blaz stood next to Michael and one lonely Light at opposite ends of the room. I avoided looking at the both of them. Both were very interested in staring right through to my soul. It actually hurt my head feeling the burning gazes.

I clenched the railing feeling my back muscles tighten and strain and I bit back the cry while walking down the steps. The live band played and people applauded. Applauding my entrance, a part of me felt proud and smug, a feeling I'm not familiar with.

I gulped.

Something is wrong with me.

Deep breath. "Hey everyone!" They cheered. Then the party really began and the music blared out of the speakers almost making me stumble on the steps.

Warm hands gripped my wrists and helped on the last step walking me more into the crowd.

"Ronny?" I muttered. He gawked at me looking dazed as if he couldn't believe he was here. I haven't seen him in awhile. And yes that was done on purpose.

"Angelica you look-l-look..." He grinned.

"Um thank you? Do you mind letting me go?"

"If I have to." He loosened his grip then finally released my hands and I took a step back.

"Yeah I have guests to greet."

Get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, hey Sally, get away, get away, get away, uh oh Blaz, get away, get away, get away, school choir, hi, hello, thanks, yes you look great, love the shoes, oh thank you, you got me something? No you shouldn't have, yes I invited everyone, only turn sixteen once, ok, get away, get away, get away, get away, Blaz, get away, get away, mole stealing snacks, get away, get away, get away, Robert? Get away, get away, get away, Lara thank God, you look gorgeous, huh? Is something wrong? Oh yeah I'm getting mine soon to... probably in a week I think, hate being a girl sometimes, oh there's Erica... and Blaz, get away, get away, get away, Henry.


"Happy birthday." He said holding a box wrapped in gold paper. I stared at it then stared back at him. "Come on I haven't drenched it in poison. It's not a bomb either."

Don't treat me as if I'm being immature. No I can't say that.

"Enjoy the party." I said instead.

He lowered his present. I nodded and started walking away until he called out for me. "Angie."

I gazed over my shouder. "Yes?"

"Save me a dance." I didn't respond I just continued walking.

Get away, get away, get away.

My breathing hitched as I eyed at the table, the table piled with different coloured presents. "Oh God." I walked to it and looked at every card that had an awkward message. "Too much."

"Why are you avoiding my brother?" I jumped just noticing Erica standing right beside me. These angels are going to be the death of me.

"Jesus Erica don't do that." My spine tingled as if someone was toying around with my vertebrae. "Nice dress." Love the safety pins she actually made that work really well.

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