~79~ Not a Friend

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Sasha's POV

It's my senior year, baby!!!!! I'm going to rule the school this year. I'm the captain of my dance team, and rumor has it, I'm going to be crowned Homecoming Queen. I really hope so. That would be amazing.

Unfortunately for me, there has been no guy at school that has caught my eye....Well, just one, but I can't even talk to him. I stare at him though. I stare at him a lot.

I'm so excited that he's in my lunch this year. I've caught him staring at me quite a bit. He looks away quickly when I see him, but I'm so happy to know he still likes me.

I'm getting into a pretty good rhythm. We've been in school for about three weeks now, and I'm starting to see how the year is going to go.

I get into the lunchroom and see that mom isn't there. That doesn't surprise me. She usually only sits with the teachers about once a week. She still likes to sit in the lounge. I get my food and sit down, talking to a few friends.

"Hey Sasha!" I hear loudly. I look over and see Ms. Franklin waving me over. I inwardly groan. This lady is loud...And annoying. I don't really think the other teachers like her that much. I know Mason doesn't.

I look over and I see him stiffen and look at his food. He always does that if I get too close to him. I hate it so much.

I get up and go over there. What could she want now?

"Yeah?" I ask, looking at her confused.

"Ok, girly I'm just gonna be straight with ya. I am desperately needing you. I am wanting to bring home some awards this year, and my soprano section isn't strong enough to get the job done. With your help, it would be. What can I do to make you agree?" She asks me, desperately.

All the other teachers are watching me.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Franklin. Not only do I not want to do it, I can't. I'm in dance and cheerleading. Not to mention volleyball. I can't add anything else to my plate. Plus, then I'd have to rework my whole schedule to be in choir class. I love every class I have. Sorry" I say with more attitude than I intended.

She looks at me hard and nods. "Can Emma sing?" She asks, seriously.

"I have no idea" I say, exasperated.

"How could you not know?" She asks, getting annoyed.

"Look, singing is kind of a touchy subject at home.
Please just drop this" I beg.

"Why is it a touchy subject? That brings me to my next question. Can your mom sing?" She asks, interested.

I really hate this woman.

"Can I go back to my lunch now?" I ask, looking at Principal Mills. He just silently nods.

"Not so fast. Tell me. Right now" she says, getting louder.

"Enough, Missy" Lance says, getting agitated.

I glare at her.

"Fine. She and I are supposed to meet up on our break. I'll just ask her then" she says with an evil smile.

"Don't you dare" I say, raising my voice.

Everybody looks at me in surprise.

"If my mom is your friend then you will just shut up about it" I say, darkly.

"She must be really, freaking amazing" Franklin says, her eyes widening.

I just sigh. "Yeah, she's better than me. Do not talk to her about this" I say, getting mad.

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