Chapter 74

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The trip to America was uneventful, and one that should have been exciting for me, because technically it is my first trip to North America, except that I now have all the memories of my Father, Mother, older Brother, and of course Wong, rambling around in my head. So, instead of staring out the window, I had spent my time in a deep meditative state where I used the knowledge from my Mother to formulate the next stage of Nanos which I would perfect at the lab in Seattle Washington.

Frank looked after everything for me, so I could concentrate on my future work and finalize the next stage of my plans. The lab set back amongst the tall trees that overlooked the city on the side of the ridge were the same as I remembered, and I quickly made my way to the small space where I had made the extra Nanos for Christopher years before I was even born.

The Firm had expanded the complex to include living space for the scientists that worked there so they did not have to travel all the way home each night. So, I had a small apartment on the second floor of the residential wing, with a balcony that looking out over the city far below.

I worked almost day and night perfecting a Nano that was more aggressive than the ones I had made that started all this, while not being as debilitating as the ones from China that Wong had in his head. Frank had managed to get all the research from Mr. Chung, so all I really had to do was merge the two and keep trying until I had something that was viable, yet ones that I could control with my own Nanos.

It had taken almost six months and countless tries, but eventually I had something that looked promising. The next stage of course was to test them on a living subject, and Frank wanted to be that subject, because just like my Mother he had spent his whole life working on this idea and he was beginning to grasp the potential.

I of course did not tell him everything, so when they had firmly implanted themselves, I put him through of series of tests to confirm my control of his mind. Over the next few weeks, he had gained forty pounds and lost just as much if not more as the Nanos went to work. One week he had a cold that was so debilitating that he could not rise from the chair he rested in, only to recover within a couple of hours and run the exercise track at the gym in record time.

There were many things I wanted to test out on him, but I had what I needed to start the next stage of my plans, so after four weeks of testing I made a large batch of the new Nanos and took them myself to add to my own.

Frank had found out when the next Board Meeting was going to be held in Boston for the various members and companies of the Firm. I would not allow him to contact Mr. Justin Crone first, because I planned on making a grand entrance instead.

The trip across the country to Boston gave me time to think about what I wanted to say and how I would approach Mr. Crone, but nothing came to me, leading me to believe that my inner mind was speculating that things were not going to go easily for me.

The rooms we had at the Hilton were the best in the city, and it was nice to relax and enjoy Frank's attempts to please me in any way he could think of. I could have instructed him, but my mind was on the next day and how my mother had been treated the last time she was summoned to appear before the Board and Mr. Justin Crone. I smiled every time I thought of the plans now formulating, and how different this meeting was going to go.

The next morning, a cab took us to the World Headquarters for the Firm, and by nine o'clock I was entering the outer reception area of the large conference room. The tall blond, sitting behind the rich-looking mahogany desk, gave the impression of being hired for much more than her typing skills, looked up when I appeared at the front of the desk.

The look was one of annoyance, which made me smile, because it was just like the one that the secretary had given my mother when she had arrived for her meeting with the board members. "Do you have an appointment with someone else in the building? This is a closed meeting of the Board, and there are no reports being given here, so why don't you run along."

I just smile and stare at her for a moment, not moving.

She looks closer and smiles. "Oh, I see, you are here to see your Mother or Father. Allow me to call one of the women from childcare so she can take you to your parent."

She reaches for the phone on its cradle beside banks of raised buttons, some blinking, while others were a solid white, but stops as if frozen suddenly with her hand mere inches from the receiver. I step around the side of the desk as I enter her mind more fully, till I have her fully under my control. What I find there makes me smile wickedly, adding nicely to the plans that I had already made.

"Julie, why don't you stand up and come over here to me?"

She turns as she smiles longingly at me, "Yes, I would like that very much. How do you want me?"

It is my turn to smile as thoughts of what I had pulled from her mind cause an effect on me so surprising that I am tempted to act on them right there, instead I move slightly to meet her. We come together and embrace like long lost lovers. I tilt my head back slightly because her high heels are making her taller than I am, forcing her to lean down before kissing me greedily on my mouth.

I allow her to build her desire till she is exploring every corner of my mouth with her tongue, till she finds the surprise I have for her. I reach out and take her shoulder firmly as the newly modified Nanos work their way into her brain before the force of the entry causes her to collapse suddenly.

I am not disappointed and after a short disorientation, she stands up straight and looks at me for instruction. "What would you have me do, Mistress?"

I run my hand down her cheek as I smile at her. "When I call for you, come into the board room, where all your dreams will come true."

"Yes, Mistress. Is there anything else you require of me?"

I smile again as my thoughts threaten to interfere with my plans. Instead I send her instructions through our connection.

"I will do as commanded?"

She heads off to the washroom, as I turn to the solid wood double doors that lead into the large conference room. I send out my senses to see that all the members are in attendance, just as I hoped they would be. I take a deep breath and open both doors together as I step into the room.

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