Chapter 53

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I spend the next couple of hours watching TV as the other three discuss the logistics of a long term stay in Vatican City. I reach out to the rest of the people in the Palace and can tell where Lucille is, but only by her interaction with the rest of the workers in the kitchen. I still cannot sense her directly, almost as if she were a void in the sea of sensations from everybody else.

I think about the next day's schedule and quickly decide that it is time for bed. So, after a quick good night to the others I get ready to turn in. The room is dark, and the sheets hold me snug in the big bed, and I soon drift off to sleep.

The mist over the lake at the cabin in the mountains moves slowly out from the shore as I stand on the end of the wooden dock. The birds are starting to call out to each other as the sun gets brighter in the east over the tip of the mountain peak. I turn back to the cabin set back from the shore on a slight rise, and smell the smoke from the wood cook stove, as it drifts out of the metal pipe.

The whole scene is surreal, and somehow, I know who is waiting for me inside. I smile as I make my way across the dock to the path leading up to the front door, which squeaks slightly because of the age of the hinges and their seldom use. There, standing in front of the stove in an apron and a smile, is my cook with a spatula in one hand and a couple of fresh eggs nestled in the palm of her other hand.

She just stands there as I take in her beauty. The smile on her face grows bigger as her apron seems to shrink the longer, I stare. I cannot help myself as I move closer to her, slowly being drawn into her embrace. The spatula and eggs have found their way back to the counter behind her, and now she reaches around me, closing her embrace, pulling me deeper into her warmth.

I look up to her, wanting to kiss her mouth tenderly, but she wants none of that, as she grabs the back of my head and goes in for the full mouth kiss, needful and demanding. I stagger backward at the intensity of the sudden move, tripping over the end of the couch falling onto my back on the cushions, with the object of my desire landing fully on top of me.

The next part blurs as the frenzy of our movements gets stronger and stronger till I cannot seem to move anymore. I open my eyes to my heart pounding in my chest and the sheets on the bed wrapped tightly around me. It takes a moment to untangle myself, so the cool air of the room can dry some of the dampness covering my body from the sweat generated in the heat of the moment.

I take deep breaths and wait till my heart slows down enough for me to get up, before going to the bathroom. Henri sticks his head around the edge of the door frame after I am done. "Are you OK? You were moaning quite loudly there for a moment."

"Yes, I am fine. It was just another dream."

"Not a nightmare, I hope."

I smile, as I think back to recall each moment in perfect clarity because of the Nanos in my head. "No, it was not a nightmare," as I shiver slightly.

"Oh, I see," smiles Henri, in response to my obvious condition. "Well, there is still a few hours till dawn, so how about you get back to bed."

I nod my head and re-enter my room, getting under the covers, after I had straightened them out again.

Morning arrives without any more interruptions, and I get up quickly realizing that I only have about an hour to get ready for my very first meeting with Cardinal James Gomez, who will be instructing me on the etiquette and protocol of life here in Vatican City. I get to the table just as the door is being opened for the kitchen workers to bring in our breakfast. It is a younger woman carrying the napkins this time, but Lucille is pushing the trolley as usual.

My heart starts to pound in my chest again as I see the apron, she is wearing over her normal clothes. It is the same one she had on the day before at this time, except that now it is reminding him of his dream the night before.

Lucille brings my plate over and sets it down in front of me, before turning to me and speaking softly. "I am free tonight right after the evening meal. It is supposed to be a clear night, and I know a nice spot in the gardens where we could talk if you would like."

I am at a loss for words, and glance over to Will who is sitting beside me. He had overheard Lucille and is now smiling slightly, as he nods his head. I turn back to Lucille whose face is just inches from mine. "I would like that very much. I don't get much chance to get outside."

"I am done about seven o'clock. I could come up to get you as soon as I am free, if that would be OK."

"That will be fine," I say, not trusting myself to say anymore.

Lucille stands back up and gets the rest of the plates for the others around the table. I watch her work away before starting my own breakfast of bacon and eggs, with toast and marmalade on the side.

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