Chapter 25

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The hot chocolate and marshmallows seem to have set the mood for the night, or maybe it is the mountain air and altitude that has me feeling like I should drift off to sleep. Will and Henri are sitting on the thick cushions of the wooden couch facing the fire. I smiled as they slowly stopped moving and just stared at the flickering flames.

I open my eyes wide and speak up suddenly, causing them to twitch, bringing them out of their fire induced trance. "I thought we were going to play a board game before bed. Something called Monopoly?"

Will shakes his head to clear it. "I don't know if I can tonight. The journey here and the heat from the fire seems to have taken all my ambition away. Do you mind if we do it another night?"

I look to Henri and he seems to be in the same frame of mind. "Sure, we can just relax if you want. I am feeling the serenity of the place also. I feel free from all worries here. Maybe I will just go to bed."

Will leans forward. "I think that is a good idea for all of us. Tomorrow we can get the boat out and go for a ride around the lake and maybe do some fishing."

Henri is looking nervous, and I can feel his apprehension about something. "What is wrong Henri? Is there something bothering you?"

Henri looks from one of us to the other. "I have to use the washroom, but I am afraid of going into the little house out back."

Will laughs out loud at the look on his face. "Don't worry, I was in there earlier and swept out all the spider webs. I even put a small battery-operated scent block in the corner to take away or at least mask some of the smell."

Henri heads out the door to the dreaded building, as I go to the small sink area to wash my face and brush my teeth before bed. Henri is back in record time and shivers slightly. "My, it is cold out there at night."

Will turns to face him from the top bunk he has been getting ready for me. "I told you it would be. We are a long way up in the mountains and the air is thinner, so when the sun goes down the chill of the night is quick to come back. I for one find it invigorating."

"Well, at least we have a place to stay and a good fire to keep us warm," calls back Henri, as he gives a little shiver again.

Will steps down from the second rung of the latter into the top bunk that he was resting on as he arranged my blankets. "OK, Lucien, time for bed. Tomorrow we go out on the lake and you will need your rest."

I put my toothbrush back in the circular travel tube and head to the back of the cabin. My bags are at the end of the bottom bunk and I reach for Bo but hesitate because he refuses to talk to me anymore since I decided to go with Will and Henri into the mountains. I miss his company though and carry him up the ladder to the top bunk. The heat in the cabin has gathered at the top of the structure so it is nice and warm under the heavy blankets. Bo sits on the pillow beside me and I lay an arm over his small body, as I close my eyes and fall to sleep, happy to be on an adventure.

Henri had sat down on the couch to warm up again in front of the fire when Will comes back from tucking me in and sits on the other end. They both relax and stare at the fire till they hear me snoring the way I always do when I am sleeping soundly. "Henri turns to Will. "I think this is one of the best things we could have done for little Lucien. Have you noticed how happy he seems to be?"

"Yes, the dark look to his face is gone, and it seemed to happen as we climbed the mountain on the old road up here."

Henri smiles as he thinks back on it. "I have to admit that I wasn't sure you knew where you were going, especially when the roots of those trees threatened to scrape the underside of the truck."

"Yes, it has been a few years since I was last here and the road has overgrown quite a bit. The big question is though, are you happy that we made the trip?"

Henri smiles as he looks to the fire. "Yes, other than the little house out back."

Will chuckles as he also settles back and stares at the fire. "I brought some wine with us if you would like something to drink?"

"I would like that, but only one glass. We are still very exposed here and I need to stay alert."

Will gets up and heads to the cupboard in the small kitchen. "We also need to keep the fire going so one of us will need to stay awake to do that."

"I can take the first watch," adds Henri. "How long do you think each period should be as one stays awake and the other sleeps?"

Will stops with the corkscrew half-way in the cork of the bottle. "I would think two hours on and then two hours sleeping should work out the best for both of us."

They finish their glass of wine as they discuss Lucien and how difficult it must be for him, considering he is still a very young boy with grown-up thoughts in his head.

Will eventually gets up and goes to his bunk as Henri turns off the lights in the room and just uses the light from the fire to see by as he listens for anything strange outside. 

A.I. Evolution: The Fall of LucienOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora