Chapter 24

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The darkness settles over the sloped land around the lake, leaving it to glow for a few moments before it too succumbs to the creeping darkness. The complete darkness of the night was surprising to him. I have never been anywhere where there were no lights of any kind that did not take away some of the pure darkness.

Henri and Will had lit a fire in the fireplace, and oil lamps flickered their light around the single room of the rustic camp. But I wanted to experience the dark and its total domination of the night, so I had gone down to sit on the edge of the dock, facing the still lake as it spread its blanket over everything.

I could sense Henri watching me for as long as he could see me and knew that he would only wait so long before coming to rescue me from the dark. I smiled as he eventually gave in to his fear and walked down to the dock almost stepping off the side right at the shore. He would have fallen in if I had not called out to him in time.

He had side stepped back onto the path and made it smoothly to the solid wooden dock held in place by thick poles driven into the ground under the water sticking above the surface of the dock by about two feet. The poles made an excellent guide for Henri to follow as he approached me at the end of the dock. They also provided a perfect place to tie up the boat that Will said was stored in the boathouse off to the side, which they would get out the next day.

"Boy, it does get dark up here at night. I think it is time for you to come back inside before we both fall into the water, or trip over the uneven ground back up to the camp."

I smile up at him even though he can't see me doing it, so I send him an image of me smiling. "Don't worry Henri, I will help you, and tell you where to put your big feet on the way back."

"I don't doubt that you can with all your abilities, but I would feel a lot better if you were safely sitting at the table with us."

I easily lift my legs and swing myself around, so I can stand up beside him. "OK, lets go then. Do you want to take my hand?"

Henri chuckles. "No, I will be fine," he blurts out. He turns around and starts back across the dock only to almost trip over the first support pole for the dock. "Oh, that hurt. Right on the shin too."

I don't say a word but move to his side and take his hand in mine. "Here, allow me to guide you. Will, will never let you live it down if you fall, especially in the water."

"Well, OK, but not a word of this to him. He already thinks of me as a soft city boy."

"A city boy you may be, but soft I would never call you."

He grips my hand a little tighter. "I always knew I liked you for some reason."

"Do you mean other than the fact that I am Jane's son, and all you have left to remind you of her," I state pointedly.

Henri stops dead in his tracks. "Your mother was a great woman and the wife of a Saint. My job was to protect her at all cost."

I send a feeling of acceptance through my connection to him. "You do know I have her thoughts from the point she took the rest of the Nanos from my father."

Henri stops at the end of the dock and turns to face me. "Your mother was a very special woman and I would have laid down my life for her. But you are right, she did became more than that after we arrived at the Magic Castle. The day you were born was one of the hardest days of my life."

I feel the turmoil rising inside me. "I understand. Unfortunately, I also have the thoughts of my father, and right now they conflict with my mother's."

Henri lays his hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, I did not mean to cause you any trouble."

I shake his hand off involuntarily and fight to regain control of my mixed feelings. "I'm sorry that was not my intent. It is hard for me sometimes when I remember things from both at the same time."

"You are still young. It will get easier for you as you mature."

"I don't think that is the problem. I seem to be able to analyze all the emotions and sort through the negative points smoothing out the trauma the feelings cause."

Henri stands up straighter. "OK, that is quite an accomplishment." He turns to the cabin before continuing. "Is that how you were able to cure the mental blocks in the patients of the clinic in Rome?"

"Yes, I think so. They were so confused and unable to sort through the jumble of emotion and feelings coursing through them that I was like a beacon in the night. They could then focus on me and us my strength, till they could do it on their own."

"I see," says Henri. "Well, why don't we use the beacon of light from the cabin and get back in where it is warmer. I think Will said something about hot chocolate and marshmallows."

I take his hand again and we make our way up the slightly winding path to the front of the cabin. Inside the fire in the fireplace and the wood stove give off a warmth that can only come from a wood burning fire.

Will looks up from carving the bark from some green branches that we can put the marshmallows on to cook over the open fire. "Just in time; water for the hot chocolate is just about to boil and our cooking utensils are ready. Come here, Lucien, and I will show you how to cook them."

I turn to Henri and mouth so only he can understand. "Should I tell him I already know."

Henri smiles and shakes his head, before going to the stove to check on the water.

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