Chapter 69

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The wine is working on me as I race through the halls on the way to the kitchens. I enter out of breath and smiling happily, as Margarete comes to the serving counter at the opening in the wall. "Can I help you, Son Lucien?"

"Cardinal Moran said he had ordered some whiskey chocolates for this evening, so he sent me to get them, and is Lucille here? I would like to talk to her for a moment."

"Well, I have the chocolates, but Lucille asked for the day off, and I gave it to her because she rarely takes any time for herself. Do you want me to go see if she is in her room in the next building?"

I feel like the floor had just dropped out from beneath me as I slump on the counter. "No, I don't have the time. I will just take the chocolates and go back."

Margarete sees my disappointment. "I know she would want to see you if she was here, but I don't think she knew that you were coming this afternoon."

"No, she did not, and thank you for saying so."

She nods her head sympathetically. "I will go get the boxes of chocolates."

I look around at the empty room, feeling sad and alone, so much that it almost makes me cry. Margarete returns with three white cake boxes. "There you are. I had them in the cooler, so they should be fairly solid right now, but you may want to be careful with them on the way back."

I thank her and turn from the counter carrying the heavy boxes out in front of me. I struggle to get back to Murphy's quarters as I think about Lucille and how much I miss her.

Murphy is still in the tub when I get back. I set the boxes on the end of the table where the bottle of wine is sitting. Murphy looks over the edge of the tub. "Please put five or six on a plate for me, so I can sample them. Oh, and get us a couple more glasses of wine please."

I am tempted to refuse the wine. But because I am missing Lucille so much, and the fact that she was not at work today had really knocked the wind out of my sails, I give in and get the two glasses of wine for us.

Murphy sees my mood and smiles. "You are feeling the need, aren't you?"

I bring him the wine and chocolates, which I set on my lap as I sit in the chair beside the tub. "Yes, it is a strange feeling."

"It is our bodies way of making us search out a female. Don't worry, it is a natural drive built into our very nature."

I take a sip from my wine, feeling it seep into my body, relaxing me even more. "I understand the need for it, but I find that it is taking over my thoughts."

Murphy reaches for one of the chocolates from the plate that is resting on my upper legs, reminding me of Lucille resting her hand close to the same spot in the bushes. Of course, this just adds to the discomfort as the stretchy material of my leggings strains to contain the results of those feelings. He smiles at my obvious condition. "Why don't you try one of the chocolates, they are very good?"

The wine is influencing me, and I am surprised to see that my glass is almost empty again. I have always had a sweet tooth and the chocolates seem to be calling out to me, so I reach for one of the biggest ones and pop it into my mouth. The moment my teeth puncture the outer shell, releasing the fiery liquid, my eyes go wide at the rich taste of chocolate added to the almost burning liquid. The combination is amazingly satisfying, as I chew the harder shell.

"That's good, isn't it?"

I shake my head slightly. "Yes, but it burns the throat on the way down."

"Try taking a drink of the wine to counteract the burn. I think you will find that it makes the whole experience worthwhile."

I do as he suggests and admit that it does make a flavorful combination. Murphy reaches for another from the dish. "Try another one, my boy, you look like you could use a little release from that strain you are feeling."

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