Chapter 8

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The afternoon had slipped by as I rested in the main bedroom of the Royal Suites on the top floor of the Apostolic Palace. My thoughts are a jumble of images that I can't seem to sort through and eventually get up and cross the room to my bags where I retrieve my velvety blanket and stuffed bear which I had called Bo from a very early age.

The blanket I laid on the pillow of the huge bed and rested my head on the soft material. The feel of it always reminded me of being wrapped and held by either Henri or Will as they tried to get me to sleep at night when I was just a baby. Bo came from the hospital where I was born. One of the nurses had brought it into the nursery for me and had laid it in my small crib. One of many that lined the walls of the precious space on the other side of the huge window, often filled with fathers and grandparents smiling faces.

Bo slid from the pillow as I slipped away into that semi conscious place where I felt most comfortable when I rested. Although this time was different as I heard a voice close to me. Starting out softly and then gathering volume and clarity as it continued. I opened my eyes to see Bo looking straight at me with those glass eyes. The voice seemed to come from him, and I felt a chill come over me at the thought. "Hello Lucien. You do know that I have always been your friend."

I shake my head and look around me in fear. "Bo, I always dreamed that you could talk, but now you are really doing it."

"Yes, I can, but it must stay between the two of us. It would not seem right if the big people knew about me helping you, don't you agree?"

I don't respond for a moment as I stare at the stuffed bear, shocked by what I think I am hearing. "You have never talked before. Why are you now?"

"Things have changed. You are in danger, here in this place. They want to use you for their own purposes. You need to resist doing what they want or change things, so they don't like what you do for them."

"But why? What do they want from me?"

Bo slides a little closer on the soft material, as I move on the bed, still facing me as he does. "They want you to do things like you did this morning at the clinic, but instead of helping people they will use you to tell them what people are thinking so they can steal what the people have."

I shake my head. "I don't believe you. Why are you saying this?"

"Lucien, I am here for you. My memories are the same as yours. Do you remember the meal I had with your father that night in Vegas, at his estate? We had white wine and lobster, before going for a walk around the flower gardens, ending up in the expansive room with the wide bed. It was the night I dreamed of you. You do remember it don't you, as one of those faint remembrances from another deep inside you."

The tears start to flow as the feelings of that memory flow over me, convincing me that Bo is telling me the truth. "I believe you. What do you want me to do?"

"Don't give them what they want."

"What about Henri and Will? They have always been there for me when I needed them."

Bo all but seems to smile. "They are your only friends. Everybody else is out to use you."

Will had heard me talking softly in the other room and moves to the door-frame and knocks on the opened door as he peeks his head in. "Are you OK, Lucien? I thought I heard you talking a moment ago."

I roll over, so I can see him. "I am fine now, I just had to talk myself down from being afraid of all the strange people here."

"You can sense the people around us, can't you."

"Yes. The guards outside the door are anxious about watching the hallway, and the cleaning staff know who is here in the Palace. They want to meet me, so they can tell their friends that they talked to me, making them feel important. Why do people want to use others like that?"

Will moves into the room and sits down on the chair by the makeup table. "People need to feel important, and sometimes they do things that hurt other people, so they can build themselves up."

I turn to Bo, who lays there, not moving and quiet. "I understand now, and I will do as you ask." I can imagine Bo saying, "I told you so."

I smile as I turn back to face Will. "I am glad I have you and Henri to look after me."

"Thank you," smiles Will, as he takes a deep breath.

The door opens in the other room and I sense Henri entering the apartments. "It's Henri, and he seems happy about something."

Will looks to the doorway and stands up straighter. "Well, I think we should see what has cheered him up."

I smile at his cheery attitude and climb off the bed, but not before taking another look at Bo, who again is just a stuffed bear laying on its side, laying on the bed.

Henri walks to the doorway of the bedroom as I move from the edge of the bed. Will has already looked around the corner and seen Henri, confirming my statement. "Lucien tells me you are happy about something."

"Oh, he did, did he. Is this another of your spooky things manifesting itself all of the sudden?"

I had not thought about it, but as I think back in my memories I realize that it was like a switch being turned on in my head and I can perceive the deep feelings and major thoughts of those around me. "Yes. I guess I can now, although I feel like I have always been able to, but just did not know it."

Will turns to face me, with a concerned look on his face. "Is this the first time you have noticed such a sudden change in any of your abilities?"

"Yes, but it does not seem to be a sudden thing. It is more like something I just realized that I could do and have done it automatically."

Henri shivers slightly as he thinks about it. "You are barely more than three years old, but already you are way ahead of anything a normal person can do. I can only wonder what might come next as you progress even farther."

"That is a very good question," adds Will. "But remember Lucien, we will always be here for you no matter what happens."

I look to them both and feel the truth of their words. "Thank you, that means a lot to me."

Will pulls himself up and turns back to Henri. "So, what is it that has you so happy, Henri?"

"Well, Smit is as concerned about Lucien as we are, and he has come up with a plan to get us back to the airport tomorrow which is far away from anybody that can interfere with us."

Will raises his eyebrows. "And how is he going to accomplish that?"

Henri just smiles. "Well, the only thing we are here to do is see Pope Pius and fulfill the terms of Saint Christopher's agreement with him. After that we are free to go, so Smit is suggesting that we leave right after the meeting, by way of the Popes private helicopter, which will be sitting on the roof of this very building. We will be flying high above the city and should be far enough away to insure an uneventful journey to the airport."

I smile at the thought of being in a helicopter. "That sounds like fun. It will just be the pilot and the three of us, right?"

Henri kneels so he can look straight into my eyes. "Yes, and the pilot will be Commander Smit himself, who you already know."

"That makes me feel a lot better about tomorrow," responds Will, as he checks his watch. "I know it is not time for supper yet, but the time change has not registered with my stomach yet, and I am starved, how about an early supper here in our rooms?"

I nod my head in agreement and Henri agrees with his own smile. "OK. I will call down to the kitchens and have supper brought up here."

Henri and Will leave the room and I reach across the bed to get Bo. I hold him against my chest as I move to the suitcases on the stool at the foot of the bed. I look at him for a second before laying him down on my clothes in the suitcase. "I told you that they were the only ones you can trust now."

"I know," I say, half under my breath, so the others don't hear me. I lay Bo down gently and rush out into the other room and await my supper.

A.I. Evolution: The Fall of LucienWhere stories live. Discover now